If you have received the official letter or text informing you that you are high risk you can go to government site at gov.uk and register for home delivery. This will be linked to supermarkets and give you priority access.
Home deliveries: If you have received... - Leukaemia Support
Home deliveries

Hi Paul thanks for sharing this. How are you doing?
I am guessing it may take a while to get to all of us I signed up through the link when it opened on 24th, have not heard back yet. Am guessing the army of new volunteers will be being mobilised towards this with local services. I think it is amazing to see how many want to help.
Some more from Leukaemia Care to aid breaking down the braod guidance leukaemiacare.org.uk/suppor....
NOTE: you do not need to have received your letter or text confirming you are at extra high risk in order to sign up, you can do so now. Additionally, someone can sign up on your behalf if you are unable to access the internet
We can register here: gov.uk/coronavirus-extremel....
This service is only for those in England. Please follow the links on the same site for information for people living in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
We are doing ok. Driving to a remote place once a day to walk the dog and get exercise. I registered with the gov.uk site last night and this morning was able to book a delivery for tomorrow. I believe Sainsbury are only delivering to those on the priority list.
Great to hear you have a slot, there isn't a Sainsbury close to my town will try though Stay safe
I suspect that the same system applies to the other supermarkets. Once you are registered try and log on to their websites
Thanks, Paul No joy across four, have phoned a friend dropping off tonight.
I am now registered at four different companies , let's see who comes up with the goods eh More junk mail in the future )-:
Have you registered on the gov.uk site? that is the one that is linked to the supermarkets.
One thing you can do in the meantime is to
Make sure you are registered with at least one of the online grocery delivery services. Sainsbury’s have a vulnerable persons list already and if you have an account but don’t have a nectar card if you apply for a nectar card and give them your birthday then link it to the grocery account that should get you on their list if you are over 70.
In the meantime if you check regularly on the delivery services you are registered to even if you are not yet on their list slots are being released. My understanding is that the other supermarkets will follow Sainsburys in offering priority to those on that government list and when they do that should also take some stress off from Sainsbury’s.
In the meantime as hard as it is for many of us to do so it seems we do need to ask for local volunteer help. This can be accessed via Facebook groups or by ringing local churches or food banks which are likely to know how to contact the local volunteer networks that are springing up everywhere.
Please don’t go shopping yourself and ideally don’t ask someone you live with to go on your behalf since shops are often crowded places right now so do present a risk.
Thanks Paul for sharing this, I have spent a lot of time trying to get through to one supermarket, I got on their priority list and then the next day I had fallen off again !!!! I realise they are working under extraordinary pressures in unknow, scary times. I think a problem to me is that I am in isolation and things take on a higher perspective. It is a great comfort to know we can discuss these issues and how we feel about it here and realise we are all in this together. Stay safe.
Hi Paul, i had chemo treatment in January and was told by my consultant to self isolate for the next 12 weeks, however i havent received the official letter - who issues this letter?
Hi TM1972
Some may have been missed in the letters/text sent out, try not to worry it may follow soon if you have not had yours yet, it is possible to be missed by the system. In the meantime follow shielding guidelines in the blog below,, You do not need to have received an NHS Coronavirus Service letter or text to register with the support system it also will help them to pick you up,
NHSE and the NHS Corona Virus Service issue the letter.
This Leukaemia Care blog helps explain, this breaks down info and links to guidance. leukaemiacare.org.uk/suppor...