No response to my previous post, and I'm still wanting to know about different dosing schedules. Does anyone know a good website that explains the different doses or dosing schedules? Or anything else I can do to increase the effectiveness of the LDN?
Where can I find dosing information? - LDN Research Trust
Where can I find dosing information?
There don't seem to be many replies about anything on here.
I took my question off in the end.
Hope you find the answer to your query.
Best wishes
There is no standard rule as everyone is different. The standard practise is to start low and gradually increase the dose. If you go too high for you, you'll feel it so go back to the dose when you felt best.
I just assisted a cancer patient in asking oncologist to provide LDN prescription to patient. The ONC consulted with Skip's. I will double check: I believe it was 1.5mg for a 14 days. Then 3.0mg for 14 days. Then 4.5mg thereafter. Again I will dbl check that. Skip (Skip's Pharmacy) in Florida is an expert and has been dispensing LDN for almost 20 years.
I'm not sure what you are asking. Optimal dosing may vary from person to person and condition to condition. For instance, the considered optimal dose for Fibromyalgia is 4.5mg. I worked up to that dose and experienced several months of depression. Took the dose down to 3 mg and no depression. Working with both your doctor and your pharmacist is the best practice.
Dosing schedules and amounts are very much individual to both the condition and each person. On the Trust's website are a number of files related to dosages, here's a link:
My experience is good on ldn but to get the rite dose is trial&error, you can also join the ldn group it is on f/book or on line