I have Lupus - diagnosed in Feb 13-but suffered for many, many years prior to that!! (long boring story) .....I eventually found out about LDN around Feb this year and started taking it on 11/3/2014...
Progress so far:-
Have managed to reduce steroid intake from 10mg daily to (at the moment) 1mg every alternate day-and will hopefully be off of steroid altogether by the end of this week.- LDN 3,5mg (liquid nightly) going to rise to 4.5mg once off of steroids.
I am feeling almost 'normal' My Lupus is still present-have tender points on both knees and elbows (but these have been a constant for many years and I can cope with them) some pain in hands- feels like 'chinese burns' around the wrists occasionally-especially when tired- they are still weak and believe that they always will be (but you never know! ) and the tops of my feet 'sting' usually this happens after being at work (I work part-time and am on my feet for 8hrs whilst there. BUT......I have not had a 'full flare' of my Lupus since taking LDN-I have had 2 colds (which would always-always prior to LDN result in a flare-to the point where I could not get out of bed for the pain-even lifting the duvet would hurt!! - even the tips of my earlobes-at times I would think to myself that if someone said 'take this pill...it may kill you, but it will get rid of the pain!' I would have taken it-not because I was suicidal or fed up with life, but because the pain was that bad. So my message is that LDN is just Fantastic!! I LOVE IT and only wish that I had heard about it sooner!! Once I am off of the steroid completely (hopefully Sat this week) I intend to announce it on the LUPUS HealthlUnlocked site-as I believe it is my duty to let everyone know about this great inexpensive (no bad side effects!!) treatment ....and am really glad to see a HealthUnlocked site dedicated to it...because sometimes when I mention it I am sure that people think that I am trying to make money or something-but all I am trying to do is stop their suffering in the way that I suffered for many years!!