These might help. I haven't made them, they get a lot of love on Facebook
For those finding it hard to give up ... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
For those finding it hard to give up biscuits/cookies
Thank you for sharing Subtle_badger x
The carbs are almost all sugar alcohols, aka polyols. They count as carbs under EU labelling laws, but the body doesn't use them as carbs.
Polyols vary in their keto-friendliness. Isomalt is generally regarded as keto friendly. It passes entirely undigested through the stomach. A packet of these has 0.5g net carbs.
HOWEVER this is the part I forgot to warn you about...that means they arrive in your intestines whole, and they can draw water in. The first time you try these, don't stray far from a bathroom. I haven't tried isomalt, but I gather it has a similar effect to sorbitol, and I could use a roll of sugar free polos for colonoscopy prep.
(this is dirty keto/low carb, but if you can't do without cookies, it's worth a try)
I will probably not be able to resist having a go at these just for fun.
Half a packet of sugar free polos has no effect on my bowels but it would probably be just as well if I couldn't eat all the cookies at once