My daughter’s platelets dropped again after having treatment, exactly 1 month ago. This is so frustrating...
Plalets dropped...: My daughter’s... - ITP Support Assoc...
Plalets dropped...
Hi Gisellet, it happens, unfortunately. It's auto-immune disease.
Hi Gisellet, what treatment has your daughter had? Some treatments do have a time limited effect of around 4 weeks.
Hi Gisellet, I did think that it was probably IVIG infusions that your daughter had.
IVIG infusions are a short term 'fix', 4weeks being the 'normal' period for platelet count improvements. While the IVIG infusions can be continued indefinitely if not replaced by a better long term treatment, I am surprised the doctor treating did not advise the temporary nature of IG infusions, had he/she so advised you would not be feeling frustrated.
At the start of my ITP treatment, January 2017, I had 3 courses of IVIG over 3 months, each course preceded by 4 days of high dose dexamethasone before moving to treatment with Rituximab. Now, almost 12 months on from last Rituximab infusion, platelet counts have been stable at 135 - 139 (135,000 - 139,000 if you are in the US) over the past 6 blood tests.
Hope this info helps.
I too agree with the above comment, It's just a booster but not a treatment. Steriods or some other alternative is prescribed to make the count stable.