How low can your platelets go before ... - ITP Support Assoc...
How low can your platelets go before it becomes dangerous to fly(in a plane, of course)? Has anyone been advised not to fly 4 this reason?
I had a conversation with my doctor about it as I had to fly while still trying to turn around my relapse. I had down to 3 at that time. My ITP specialist said there's no statistical evidence that flying can cause bleeding on any low platelet level. Therefore, if you don't have dangerous bleeding symptoms at the moment/before flying, you can fly. Otherwise you need to go to A&E to stop bleeding and then - again, you can fly.
My consultant says over 20 is fine
Hi. I've been advised that it 50 with most airlines if you actually tell them before you go. Our hemotologist likes my daughters to be over 100 tho x
I had to cancel a holiday to France once. I saw my consultant on the Monday with a count of 10 and was due to fly to France on the Saturday for a very much needed holiday. The consultant said it was dangerous for me to fly so I cancelled the holiday on his advice.
The problem is the pressurised cabin in an aircraft. I recently was advised not to go on an aircraft as my last three counts had been 15,10 and 8. Back up nearer 60 now.
Some people who fly with very low counts have no problems. Dr Drew Proven has suggested that in the absence of other symptoms then over 20 is sufficient. The problem is more likely to be related to holiday insurance when asked if you are undertaking the trip against your doctor's advice. For my own consultant the magic number is 50. Any flying below that number would be undertaken at my own risk from an insurance claim aspect. For that reason I once cancelled a trip to Istanbul with full financial reimbursement.
My hematologist says the number is 30. But that should be understood along with t fact that I have no other symptoms. Below 10 I avoid leaving the house altogether even without other symptoms.