Please help!: Esmya..... Just started... - Healthy Happy Woman

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Please help!

janesbitz profile image
37 Replies

Esmya..... Just started taking these a couple of weeks ago.

I am very uoset today as when i look back, i was diagnosed back at the end of 2015 with fibroids. I went on a special diet and they shrank by 40%. i was discharged by consultant as he saud they would continue to shrink. Hot flushes started, periods stopped for a whole six was bliss until Dec last year. My tum started getting bigger, hot flushes stopped. Fibroid back, 10cm. After this moths period... tummy back to normal size but now its starting to swell again and i can feel the fibroid again. It must be the lining pushing the fibroid out. Due to have scan on the 17th and follow up on the 7th..... does anyone get the enlargement with the lining getting bigger towards when your period would be due? And how long did it take to notice the esmya working its magic. Im petrified!! I'm 52.

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37 Replies
Jduke profile image


I have just done 3 months on Esmya and on the 3 month break at mo. I notice swelling when my periods due & its bliss after for a couple of weeks!

Interested to know which diet you have done as I don't hold out much hope of mine shrinking. Im 42 and had them for bout 5 years. Had no probs on Esmya.

Let me know how the scan goes......good luck🤞

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

Thank you so much for your reply..... it was very kind of you.

I cut out all dairy, red meat.. in fact, anything that has hormones in.. i have rice milk or oat milk.... filtered or bottled water. Avoided all processed food, lots of blueberries and avocado. Also took agnus castus every day and drank organic green tea..... Quite a bit of effort and everything was going so well... they honestly shrank and my menopause started... Now feel really disappointed. The pressure on my bladder is driving me mad and the feeling reminds me of being pregnant. i have got to do the 3 months and see what happens. Really don't want a hysterectomy as i lost my dad after an operation that went brilliantly.... just so scared.

Can i ask you ....what happens at the end of the 28 days, do you wait for a period? and when do you start the next packet...

i do really appreciate your help and you really should try the diet. And if you want to eat meat really try and buy organic as its not pumped full of hormones..... x

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Hi ..I took it for 3 months every day with no break and it stopped my period. Then when I had 4 days of tablets left I started to bleed. So basically didn't interrupt cycles much. I dont eat much processed food and mainly chicken,I have read about the hormones in food etc..

I would keep doing what your doing and see what the scan turns up. Keep me up to date plz with how it all goes.


janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

Hiya my lovely..... oh ny god, i received a letter in tge post today telling me to stop taling ESMYA from immediate efect.. saying that there had been a health alert.... a small number of women who had been taking the drug had experienced serios liver damage.... and that i am to have a liver function test in 4 weeks..... can't believe it... x

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Hi ya I had read about this early this month its only a small number though I believe. You were in your first month still was you not?? I'm gonna see doctor tomorrow about it now but Im glad you told me thanks..x

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

Hope i didnt worry you..... and sorry for my bloody phones!

So, what are your thoughts now regarding your fibroids? Obviously, you're so young and for you to wait for menopause would probably be hell. My mum was all done by 54... I'm only a short while off that but ive got to make sure they don't get any bigger. How large are yours, if you don't mind me asking... and do they interfere with your day to day life?

Jduke profile image

I sent you a message have you seen it??

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

I dont think so.... lol.... but i am useless on this damn phone. x

Jduke profile image

Ok the top of my page when logged in has a pic of a house then 9 circles followed by 2 message bubbles then a bell Etc can you press the message Icon and see if it's there??

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

No message there..... thanks for showing me how to use it though.

I had my scan yesterday. I wss laughing as when i woke up all i was worried about was drinking the pint and a half of water (used to be a pint) and not being desperate for a wee.

The scan was alright, she said she hadn't seen anything that would have caused the terrible pain i was admitted to hosp with... but i didn't ask her much as i was off to a 21st party... I'm a musician, and i didn't want it to ruin my night or indeed the next two weeks or so until i see the consultant. Some of these medical people are so serious and say just the slightest thing and it sets you off worrying.... doesn't it.

Anyway, how are you feeling today?

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Hi ya..ok well I have multiple of which there are 3 big ones largest 12cm x11cm and the next 2 close behind . I'm led to believe the largest is pendunculated thats why my stomach is loop sided when I lay down. I live in Kent uk and wondered where you were in regards to why I haven't received a letter about Esmya. Anyhow docs visit tomorrow now and shall be sorting that out. I really don't want a hysterectomy but its all they ever say to me but I will hold out as long as I can before agreeing to it for sure. I think the Injections may have been the better choice now maybe! 😩

in reply to Jduke

Ask about womb ablation, you keep your ovaries and womb, they only take the lining away.

Where it says quick recovery in a week ignore, allow a month. I’m sure men write these guides and haven’t a clue.

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to

I don't think I'm a candiate for that as there so big, will definately bring it up with the consultant though. Thanks for the info!

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to

I will do.... mond you, im such a baby i really dont want any unless i have to.

X x x x

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

Hiya my love.... how did you get on at the docs?.... x

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Hi, been to docs today . She knew nothing about Esmya being withdrew for so called near future. I also said it I'dread on that it recommended liver function tests in recent she felt my stomach and referred my back to consultant.

No info on action to be taken over medication didn't look it up NOTHING (useless). So went to speak to pharmacist who said to go back and speak to another doc as LFT should be done and she should have been aware!! This is the doc that told me my 1cm fibroid was nothing to worry about back in 2011 & 2 years later was 8cm and had many more was not told to have regular scans either! Anyway waiting for a different doc to call to check on action needed and back to consultant I go. She said I should be on Zoladex but with past history with her I'll wait for my consultant to confirm that.

Sorry long post . Keep you updated how it goes. How's you?😕🙄

in reply to Jduke

How useless is that doctor 😡 the pharmacist knows more than her. Good luck with your next appointment x

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to

Ta x

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

Hiya my lovely... went to see gp today as i received a text message two days after my scan saying to book appt to see gp.... of course i was beside myself with worry. After going and seeing the surgery receptionist she said this was just a routine follow up... anyway, saw doc who saud my fibroids hadn't griwn in the last 3 years, which is great... they are 7.9cm and 4.3cm.. And the scan didn't show anything untoward regarding ovaries, which is also great... However i have an enlarged uterus and a very thick lining. So when i see the consultant on the 7th, the gp said he'd probably do a biopsy which we'd already discussed... What I'm praying for now is a period so that everything is at its best for when i go. I'm trying to keep nice and calm and see what the gynocologist says...... how are you?????

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Hi ya, its great they haven't grown and im sure the lining thickness will resolve itself with a period!

I'm ok just pondering over possible options and questions for consultant on the 7th ( same day as yours). Don't like the look of Zoladex injections! + Abroad in August for 10 days so can't really see much happening before then.

Keep me updated and good luck.


janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

How are you doing, are you getting nwrvous for wed?. My friends who run a health shop say that raspberry leaf is great for fibroids .... wirth a go i say.

Are you taking anything like that?

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

No not taking anything like that..but anything's worth a go! Bit nervous but was wondering if your gynae feels your abdomen etc mine never do ..just wondering if my consultant is useless as well! How bout you? I am going away in August so cant see anything major being done b4 then.. let us know how you get on!

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

Good luck for today.... im so anxious ive got palpitations... god I'm stupid but can't help it!

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Morning ,you sound like me but my app isn't til after 5 good luck anyeay you'll be fine.x

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

What tine is your appt? mine's at 2.10pm...

The thing I'm worrued about now is my thick womb lining..... bloody hell, i hate all this!

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Keep calm could be stressing for nothing! Are you seeing Nhs consultant or private?

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to Jduke

How did it go, my lovely?...... Im devestated, ive been told i need a full hysterectomy. He was lovely. He told me that my uterus is huge agakn amd it makds him nervous that they have grown. He aaud that over the age of 50 the uterus etc could turn nasty and he saud that he is advising me that the whole lot should come out as then i wouldn't have to worry anymore............ I'm really upset. x

Jduke profile image
Jduke in reply to janesbitz

Hi ya..well basically being sent for a scan ( by his own sonographers) to check whats going on in there and he said I need to go back for a follow up in 4 weeks and then we can decide on plan. Im just gonna opt for hysterectomy , he said will be full on tummy cut probably, I dont want to keep taking different drugs .

I know its upsetting but once its all over your probably be over the moon about it. Thinking about having these things constantly lodging in there can't be good even after menopause . Keep me updated on how your getting on please..take care! X

I had multiple fibroids and had the lining of my womb removed. 12 months on I don’t have a period. I get a bit of tum pain when my periods are due but don’t need to take anything for it. I was 47 years old when I had it done.

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to

Hi there.... thanl you so much for your reply....

How big were your fibroids, if you dont mind me asking..

jane x

in reply to janesbitz

I don’t know but there was a big one which he told me about and my womb was bigger than he thought it would be. My recovery was a bit longer but I’m still glad I had it done.

Before I had them removed I had tablets to help lighten my periods and the coil fitted too, both didn’t work. The doctor said the next thing was womb ablation which is less severe than a hysterectomy.

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to

Hi there..... seen gynocologist today.. He has booked me for a full hysterectomy.... i am really uoset as i am petrified!

Don’t be scared, just think it will make you better and put an end to all the suffering. Did he say how it is going to be done eg through your vagina, keyhole? When I was waiting to have the ablation operation I was nervous but also relieved. If you tell the staff that you are nervous they will try and help you to feel less stressed. How long will you have to wait? X

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to

He said around four weeks and he's going to try and do it himself. He was really kind and understood. Everything is going to be taken out as he said, no point leaving it.....

Thank you for replying...... i really aporeciate it. x x x x

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to janesbitz

Its got to be like a cesarean.... but he said he'd make it neat... lol.... ready for summer x x x x

Big hugs 🤗

Let me know how you get on after you’ve had your operation. Try not to worry too much and take care xx

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to

Thank you.... will do x

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