Hello, I was wondering how many Hughe... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Hello, I was wondering how many Hughes sufferers (APS) also have problems with periodontitis?

5 Replies
5 Replies
Angelpaws profile image

Hi Mary-Lou, Yep - I do! I have had three teeth extracted in the last two and a half years. I have been with my dentist for 25 years and she takes an interest in my APS as I am her only patient with it, and we agree it all started when I was put on Warfarin after my second DVT 3 and a half years ago. I suffered terribly with gum bleeds and nose bleeds, my teeth started to get loose because of the gum inflammation. I now take heparin injections and no more gum bleeds, but alas it is too late and the damage is done. One by one they get looser and then pain means they have to come out. Yours, with a gappy smile, Larraine x

Lesley_D profile image

Hi I did, before I was diagnosed, had an awful time - but seems ok right now :)


Bebe profile image

Hi Mary-Lou. I was diagnosed with Hughes last year although I now know I've had it all my life and until about 4 years ago had no probs with my gums. My dentist referred me to a periodontist as my gums suddently became inflamed and very nasty which was annoying as I've always taken good care of my mouth. I don't know if this is due to Hughes.

I take statins and read in a magazine article (wish I'd kept it) that they deplete the body of co-enzyme Q10 and when you're low on this, it can cause gum probs. So I really don't know the cause.

Twice a year I see my perio who does some root planing and so far I've not lost any teeth :) Bebe x

Thank you everyone. I have Hughes and recently started studying Dentistry as a mature age student. Recently I came across some articles which suggest there is a link between Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies and periodontitis. I personally am not afflicted with mouth ulcers, but have found I have angry gums from time-to-time, despite being flossing etc. I was wondering how many other people suffer from periodontitis as well. I may make this a research project.

olleberj profile image

I am meticulous about taking care of my teeth but sometimes I do get soreness and it might be due to APS. Also, I had an infection and root canal, but the infection didn't go away so I had a second root canal and then they finally pulled the tooth. I had an implant put in and now, over two years since the original infection, I'm about to get impressions done for a new tooth...I can hardly wait for my new molar :)

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