Hey, so I just joined this group to get tips on dealing with hidrenitis and to share some of the things I’ve learned that have worked
So first off, I had my first outbreak of hidrenitis at 14 (I’m 25 now). At the time I was super embarrassed and it started off as one hard painful cystic acne that left terrible scarring. I never told anyone for years but ofcourse never wore a bikini or anything. At the age of 20 at the gynecologist is when I was officially diagnosed with Hidrenitis supprativa. She recommended me going on birth control to control the symptoms, but I wasn’t sexually active and didn’t want to take any chemicals. Also for reference I am 5’3 and generally weigh somewhere between 125-140. So now I have terrible scarring on my inner thighs (which rub together. Lol ya know the whole “thick thighs save lives”). Well last year I had a TERRIBLE outbreak of hidrenitis. Several hard lumps making it incredibly painful to walk and my self esteem was in the pooper. So I finally gave in to the gynecologist and took Lo Loestrin Fe, a low dose birth control. I had serious doubts because nothing I’d done had really worked before. Creams/soaps/gluten free diet, nothing worked. Well I’ve been outbreak free for over a year, since I started the birth control🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽. Not one single hard painful lump🙌🏽 Nothing!!! I still have the awful scarring but at least no new scarring is taking place. Some other things I have found that help are waxing over shaving..... 100%. Obviously if you have open wound, please don’t wax but removing the hair from the root definitely helps. Also reducing sweaty thigh friction as well (although with the birth control, shaving and sweaty thighs don’t trigger anything so yay!!!) cocoa butter is soooo good for soothing purposes and also minimally helps scarring as well. I’m going to look into liposuction eventually to completely reduce thigh friction and a dermatologist recommendation for the scarring (which is the bane of my existence. I feel so ugly and unattractive and it DEFINITELY makes sex basically nonexistent for me). But I just wanted to share these small tips with everyone and just encourage you not to give up!!