In my research of some relief, I’ve come across several folks who recommend the clear skin advanced vitamins. Anyone here try these yet? Did they help you? I’ve ordered some for myself and will try them but just want to ask here to see who else may have tried these already.
Clear skin advanced vitamins - Hidradenitis Supp...
Clear skin advanced vitamins
I haven't tried those ones but I'm taking Zinc, C, magnesium, omega 3 fish oil D3. Researchs have found that hs sufferers taking 90mg per day for 3 months reduced dramatically the inflammation.
Oh then these vitamins I’m speaking of must work because they contain the same vitamins in similar capacities. Thanks for the info 👍🏽
Hiya, let us know how you get on. However, I've been using collidial silver gel and omg it's amazing to my skin, I have flares everywhere and each month it's worse (hormonal) but I have been using silver and I won't go back. Everyone it's worth trying, but use gel not cream as cream has lanolin in and it doesn't help but the gel does a lot. Well so far so good I really hope it keeps working as draws all the gunk out on a daily basis and the lumps are now flat. Still need healing but glad not swollen and painful. Hope this helps