HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society | HealthUnlocked

HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society


in 1988 I was 7 years old and a adenoid and tonsils removal was suggested as I ...

Hep C and Fibrosis

Hi guys, I am hep c positive and just had my bloodwork results come back. I’m p...
Alliecattt1 profile image

Advice regarding post treatment for many years of hep c.

Hi. New to the forum and wondered if anyone can offer advice. Im fortunate enoug...
Rawmin profile image

Advice please

Recently started dating again and my chap has hep c he's already had 2 types of ...

Hep c

Genotype 1b fibroscan score 4 liver bloods normal any advice please

Need Help

Hi all. Doctor recommended test of HEP C to my mother. Now the report saying res...

Can you get Hepatitis B from a cigarette lighter?

Today i did not have a lighter for my cigarette so i asked a lady for it and sh...


I've got hepatitis b, and my virus had risen lately I had 4 bereavements last ye...
Rachel843012 profile image

Hepatitis B Carrier

Hello, I live in Strathmiglo, a wee village in Fife Scotland, I'm 58 years old I...
Rachel843012 profile image

Hepatitis B information - anyone living with it?

Hi I'm trying to find some information for my partner who was diagnosed with chr...
zena1986 profile image

hep c

justed learned that my husband has hep c... i could use any info & help!!!!!!!!!...

Sexual Health Bordering Anxiety

Hi All, In the early hours of Saturday November 8th 2014 I was in a Gay Bar in ...
benshat profile image

Welcome again!

We started this Health Unlocked site several months back, but have not been acti...
Cheryl-HepCBC profile image

Welcome again!

We started this Health Unlocked site several months back, but have not been acti...

doing treatment for hepc co-infection,,,, looking for others to chat with during treatment

can someone point me in the direction of on line support / chat rooms for conne...
roundtwo profile image

New Hepatitis C Drug SIMEPREVIR being reviewed in Canada-needs patient input

HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society needs input from Canadians who...

manned booth for world HEPC day in Victoria BC CA

wamut HVC +
Hidden profile image

World Hepatitis Day in Canada

World Hepatitis Day is officially July 28th, but often it is commemorated any ti...

What is the most common misconception about hepatitis C held by people you've met? Did you try to correct it? If so, what did you say/do?

Cheryl-HepCBC profile image

What are the best online resources for information about hepatitis C for patients?

Cheryl-HepCBC profile image
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About us

Welcome to the online support forum of HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society! We are based in Br...

Read more about HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society

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