Hi guys I have a few questions... I'm new to this so bate with me please. I contracted hep c back in 2013 from iv heroin use which I've been clean 6 years now but am just starting to have pain and am getting worried but don't have insurance to see a doctor but I'm having pain in my upper right abdomen like on side of my rib cage kind of in between my rib and back kinda hard 2 explain but I'm wondering if this is normal with hep c patients and should I be concerned??? I'd appreciate any type of support concerning this as this is a trying time for me right now because my son who was 16 at the time lost his life last year n his birthday is in a few days and the day he gained his wings as well a week after his birthday so I'm wondering as well if maybe from the stress I've been through this past year is now starting to cause me pain i dont know but thanks for any answers... Have a blessed day/night!!!! Thanks, Tara
Hepatitis C liver pain PLEASE HELP - Hepatitis C Support
Hepatitis C liver pain PLEASE HELP

Hi Tara, I'm Bob. Are you still feeling the pain around your liver, the upper right abdomen. First so you know the pain is not actually your liver as it has no pain receptor nerves. The pain is most likely the hepatic sack, a membrain surrounding the liver, when the liver is distress as with HepC it becomes enlarged, distended creating pressure and pain on the nerve bearing membrain. Have you found a way to seek healthcare and treatment yet? If not Google Help4Hep. It's a non-profit organization that are excellent at being arrange testing, the healthcare you need and access to the newest Treatment drugs at little or no cost. I Admin a number of worldwide Hepatitis C online support groups and we often have members with no insurance or insurance with minimal coverage and we send them to Help4Hep. Good luck and if you have any problems let me know and I'll see what I can do. Any questions please ask.
I also have hepatitis c and I have had it for years, I'm talking like 10 yrs. I tried getting treatment a few yrs ago but my insurance denied it saying my liver wasn't damaged enough but I too have been waking up with extreme side/back pain for the last couple years and I've wondered if it was due to the hep. I go to the doc in July to see about treatment so hopefully I can get it cleared. If you see this since it has been a few years since u have wrote it please msg me back and let me know if you got treatment and if so how it went please as I'm nervous about it. Thanks and hope everything is going well with you now !