Hi - I am waiting for an aortic valve replacement and double bypass. I’m very nervous about it, but my main concern is that I have been fitted with a cochlear implant and once the outer section of this is removed I am in a completely silent world. The thought of being in the anaesthetic room and then the operating theatre and not being to understand what is going on or being able to hear reassuring words absolutely terrifies me. Has anybody been through this and, if so, how did the hospital staff communicate with you?
Aortic valve surgery: Hi - I am waiting... - Heart Valve Voice
Aortic valve surgery

I have hearing aids and had the same concerns as I am almost deaf without them. Make sure the nurses are aware and when you get to theatre make the staff aware again. I took a little pouch withy name on and marked each hearing aids with L and R...left/right lol...took my hearing aids out in theatre...a nurse took them and they were already back in my ears when i woke up. I would also suggest that whoever rings from home to check how you are that they also remind the staff for when you come around from the op. If you have to do the procedure of removal and replacement yourself just tell the staff and I'm sure they will be very accommodating. Good luck xx
I had a similar concern as I am exceedingly short sighted and have to have my glasses on at all times. I explained this to the staff and wore them to theatres and I was given them as soon as I awoke after the op. The staff were really attentive and kept checking I was OK wearing my glasses to sleep in ICU and if I did take them off they were always in my hand ready to put back on etc.Just tell the staff of your concerns and they will deal with your needs, it's what the staff are there for.
The operation will be carried out under general anasthaetic, so whether you have your hearing aid or not I guess its immaterial. I am also waiting for aortic valve and single bypass, and decided there can be no point in being nervous. Better the operation than have this hanging over you