I have posted on here before and the support and advise was very helpful
I had a TAH with BSO due to a large fibroid on 21st Jan this year. I was put straight on Eostrogel and have had no menopausal symptoms.
Before the op I was suffering from chronic back pain and sciatica down my left leg. It was felt that the fibroid might be making the back and let pain worse.
After the operation i had about 3 weeks with no back/leg pain, although was dosed up on painkillers, but since then the back pain has returned to as bad as it was before the operation. I do get some pain/ache down my leg but not as bad as before (yet). I can barely bend over or reach for anything. I can't pick anything up off of the floor or get in and out of a chair without supporting my weight on my legs. The back consultant I was seeing before the operation and a Physiotherapist I have spoken to are saying it could be down to the operation. I've been doing some gentle exercise to strengthen my core muscles but its made no difference. It is really getting me down and I am convinced it will never get better.
It may be nothing to do with the op but I cant get to see a physio or chiropractor due to the current restrictions
Also I hate the way I look now. Like most people after this operation I've put on a lot of weight and now have a big flabby tummy. I can't do much by the way of exercise due to my back.
I just feel so down, fed up and in pain from my back all the time. I feel like a different person but not in a good way.
Stay safe everyone.