Dizziness-Spinning, buzzing, smoky hea... - Healthy Happy Woman

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Dizziness-Spinning, buzzing, smoky headache ¿¿¿

Lunje profile image
6 Replies

Am 5months post op. TAH+BSO. I've been feeling dizzy since last week. It happens while am seated, moving and even while sleeping. Especially when I try to turn on my right or wake up. The bed feels like it's spinning. My head feels so fuzzy with a buzzing sound. Then the headache and light headedness. The doctor thought it was an ear infection and gave me antibiotics. Told me to go back on third day if there's no change. I went back now with flu and cough. He gave me antihistamine syrup with a stronger antibiotic. Am done with meds, flu gone but the dizziness and headache still on.

I inquired from another physician who said it might be effect s of anaesthesia. 5 months down the road? Then it comes? Am told it can happen even upto 8months.

Anyone to share about this and how they waded their way through?

I'll appreciate 😫

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6 Replies
CJR99 profile image

Hi Lunje,

So sorry to hear you are suffering with this I totally empathise.

I had the same op 2 years ago and had crippling dizziness/vertigo for quite sometime.

I believe it was more linked to having been under General Anaesthetic for 4 hours plus loosing your ovaries obviously puts you into surgical menopause.That can also trigger dizziness/spinning etc.I also suffer with Tinnitus which is ringing in the ears....was sent for an MRI and was asked if I might be pregnant!!!

The good news is the dizzy feeling should pass in time if it’s menopause related..I really don’t suffer with it now but,for a time I had it really bad.

I really recommend when you’re getting out of bed to take it easy...when you need to move,stop and compose yourself and focus on something in the room to give yourself time to move.Don’t rush this is a huge op and your body is still healing and repairing.

I noticed my dizziness really improved at the 7-8month mark so you’re well on the way.

Take good care of yourself and please do message me if I can offer any further support.

Best wishes,


Lunje profile image
Lunje in reply to CJR99

Good morning Clare. Thank you for the encouragement. Feels better knowing that what am going through is not "my" disease. The feeling is aweful. The headache gives a disorienting feeling inside your head. I don't need water to swim, coz I get to swim from my bed. Especially when turning right, waking up. I can't make long walks. Just an addition to the saggy belly after a day's work.

The environment around us will never understand this. Some work mates are like, " You mean you're not healed up to now?" I don't respond coz, this is a personal feeling. Till you wear them you'll never know the steanch from one's moccasins.

This is our steanch for now. Will be some one else's later. Got to live with it .

Be good and stay healthy.😘

CJR99 profile image
CJR99 in reply to Lunje

Bless you Lunje, I really do know how it feels to walk in those Moccasins! I found returning to work pretty tough (I worked in sport and it was very male dominated). To be fair the boys were often more understanding as I swayed around the office attempting to walk in a straight line but, the awful sense of being sea with horrendous dizziness and vertigo would often get the better of me.

The girls would often asked," why I wasn't fixed yet?!"

I promise it will get better but, don't be afraid to reach out to your GP or Gynaecologist. You don't need to and you shouldn't have to suffer. I'm just about to go in for yet another surgery for Endometriosis but, that debilitating vertigo has now passed.

I sincerely hope it happens for you soon.

Do take care and please do get in touch if I can offer some smiley support. xx

Lunje profile image
Lunje in reply to CJR99

Hello CJ. Am not sure if you meant this day in particular for going back to the OR. If so, my prayers are with you. May God see you through safely with no complications: For His Grace is Sufficient. Always.

Thank you for encouraging me. Just wondering, did you use anything to clear it, meds or natural remedies? If so, I'd appreciate it if you could send me the details.

Another thing is the weight. With this dizziness, I don't move much as I would love to. But that's the least of my worries. I just want to be back on my feet. Recovered.

Be of good cheer CJ.

Blessings 🙏

Munchkininny profile image

Do some research on Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It's a long shot, but still worth considering.

Lunje profile image
Lunje in reply to Munchkininny

Hello Munchkininny,

Thanks for the info. Will consider that as well.

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