House rules: In order to make our HealthUnlocked... - Headway


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House rules

headwayuk profile image
20 Replies

In order to make our HealthUnlocked community an inclusive, welcoming and friendly place for all our users, we've drafted a few guidelines that we ask our members to consider.


Content on the Headway HealthUnlocked community does not replace the relationship between you and your doctors or other healthcare professionals, or the advice you receive from them. It also does not replace Headway's free helpline service, which offers an opportunity to discuss your concerns in confidence with our trained staff.

The comments and information placed in this community are purely the views of the members and are not those of Headway – the brain injury association.

The mention in the community of any products, alternative/complimentary therapies or treatments does not constitute a professional recommendations from Headway – the brain injury association.

Community guidelines:

- Join in! To help keep the community active, we encourage users to post blogs and questions, and comment on other peoples’ posts. However, it’s also fine if you’d rather just read other posts on the site.

- Respect other community members. In other words, be nice! It’s OK to have a debate and share opinions on our community, but make sure you’re always polite and don’t insult, intimidate or harass people.

- Be aware – Headway’s community is a public forum! You are responsible for what you post on our site. You must not post anything illegal or offensive.

- Stay safe. We want you to feel safe when talking about your experiences of brain injury on our community. To ensure this, please don’t give out your personal details such as address and phone number. Don’t talk about your daily movements, such as where you’ll be at a specific time and date. Be careful when discussing details of family and friends – they may not want their personal stories online. Immediately report and do not respond to any posts or private messages that ask for personal details or money.

- Don’t name and shame. While it’s OK to talk about experiences you’ve had, be they good or bad, we ask that members don’t dedicate posts to naming and shaming services or individuals.

- Don’t advertise products and services. It’s fine to discuss your experiences of particular products and services, but the Headway community is for personal use and must not be used for commercial purposes to advertise products and services.

- Don't post links to research studies/surveys. Headway receives a high volume of requests to post details of brain injury research. Please contact us first to discuss how we can help.

- Report abuse. Use the Report link next to any posts you think are inappropriate and one of the moderators from HealthUnlocked or Headway will review it and, if necessary, remove it.

- Respect copyright. You are welcome to upload images to our blogs, but make sure you have the permission of the original creator and/or the people who appear in the image before doing so. If you copy text from another source, make sure you say where you got it from.

- Don't post conspiracy theories. This forum is for discussion of brain injury and the issues that may arise from it. While you are of course entitled to your opinion, it is not a place to discuss unfounded and un-evidenced conspiracy theories, and all such posts will be removed. We recommend checking all online information with a professional source, such as your doctor, the NHS or fact-checking websites.

Further guidance

We suggest that you read through the terms of use and community guidelines on the HealthUnlocked website.

For more information on staying safe online go to:

Written by
headwayuk profile image
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20 Replies
lisa85 profile image

I think this is a fantastic site and am so in for it. xxx

headwayuk profile image

Thanks Lisa! And a big thank you for starting things off for us - we hope this will grow to become a really good community.

lisa85 profile image

I do hope so, ive sent the email & link out to everyone in my email contacts who I feel will benifit from here xxx

100pipers profile image


Kirk5w7 profile image

This is a fantastic site, did you remove one of my replies recently, if so why did you not tell me and tell me why.

Thanks Janet

headwayuk profile image
headwayukPartnerHeadway in reply to Kirk5w7

Hi Janet,

Thanks for getting in touch - as far as I'm aware we haven't removed any of your posts, do you know which thread it was on and what it was referring to?

We do contact members on the rare occasions we remove or edit posts, so I think you should have heard from us if this was the case.



Kirk5w7 profile image

Hi Andrew, perhaps I just didn't send the reply, it has been known! It was a reply to surface-fan about carers, I added my support because I know how hard it is to care for a loved one when they are no longer the person you knew, I know the difficulties my husband and I face at times but it seemed such a selfish post.

I added that I'd rather be a carer than actually have a BI, a bit peevish I know and once I'd sent it I thought it was a bit unnecessary but sometimes I feel the other side of the coin needs to be said.

Anyhow, not needed any more, thanks for the reply.


headwayuk profile image
headwayukPartnerHeadway in reply to Kirk5w7

Ah OK, in that case it definitely wasn't removed by us - I've been doing the moderation for the last couple of days and haven't removed anything. We try to stay fairly 'hands off' with it to make sure people get chance to post a range of different views and opinions.

If things aren't posting properly it might be worth reporting it to HealthUnlocked via the 'Help' link at the top of the page. Sometimes there are technical issues that need to be addresses so it's always worth doing. Sorry if that's been the problem, it's frustrating after writing a detailed reply.

I'm sure your support and feedback would be much appreciated if you do get chance to try your post again.

Best wishes,


sospan profile image

I would also add to your terms about divulging personal sensitive information. Posters must acknowledge that by posting on this forum what can be sensitive medical histories it is by their own decision and it is not a requirement of the forum or Headway to do that.

NewtonDawn2016 profile image

New to the site today. Recently come out of hospital with aTBI and very scared. Hoping to talk to others who have been on a similar journey 😀

fedupspark profile image

i really enjoy my time on here a site full of dare i say it,like minded people..

long may it continue


371960 profile image

Hi I have just found this group, I am on many other groups to do with my condition, and they have helped in my recovery. I look forward to communicating with others. It may take me a while to understand how this group works, but I'm sure I will as time goes on thank you x

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to 371960

I'm AndrewT and have just Joined, this Group, myself.....I guess we are just two 'Newbie's' together!

AndrewT profile image

What a VERY Fair, set of Guidelines, extremely similar to those 'On' Vasculitis UK and Other 'Health Unlocked' Forums.

I, very much, Look Forward to 'Posting' on here soon.


Misty4 profile image

Why are the posts that I read between 2 and 9 years old?

headwayuk profile image
headwayukPartnerHeadway in reply to Misty4

Hi Misty, the community has been going for a number of years now, but on the homepage you'll see all of the latest posts, and you can always start your own to get involved. We're an active community so I hope there are plenty of new posts every day to get through.

Thanks for being a member.

Best wishes,


jacxx profile image

Hi am I allowed to put a link on here,my brother is raising money for headway Gloucester where I go Jacxx

headwayuk profile image
headwayukPartnerHeadway in reply to jacxx

Hi, is it hosted on a fundraising site like JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving? If so then yes, please go ahead along with a little explanation of what it is. Thank you for your support!

Hopefull22 profile image

It’s more of a question. I’m a parent of a TBI (2020) son age 32. He’s not able to read therefore writing is a problem. Although he can speak into his phone which translates as a text. It works the other way around, if he uses it. Do you have any way of him being to get help. That’s if he’d take it. He seems to have giving up trying. All rehab seems to be taking for ever. It’s as if they make visit to him then just tick boxes that they’ve done so.

headwayuk profile image
headwayukPartnerHeadway in reply to Hopefull22

Hi, many thanks for your message and I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sure our helpline will be able to guide you in the right direction, so please contact the team on 0808 800 2244 or wishes,


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