Hi there hope this is the right place, excuse any typing errors ive got chronic PA nerve damage stuff that makes hard enough and now what i geuss is the long concussion thing so screens and reading is horrrrrible
so a month back now i fell at work ^ironically after being refused a goverment requested chair for my impaired mov,ment due to PA cos boss wanted me to be quicker^ and opened my head on a metal table its likeyy i fell because since nerve damage i walk a bit like a penguin and kanes arent allowed in the factory,,,,, i could have just slipped as well of course i dont renember
i should state i remember very little from the day and im sure theres inconsistencies in the story as im just so cnffsed all the time now and alot is just what i think ive been told
i woke up on floor in blood and all that but no one heard me fall or was near room so i have no clue how long i was out for
boss made me wait for other collegues to finish job for abourt 20 40 mins cos wife was abroard working so could not come to get me and i geuss he just didnt think of ambulance,,,, again im not certain of timeframes ,,and they needed to finish the things thewy were doing, i spent that time repeatedly throwing up outside the shop which i cant imagine is a good look for clients
if i remember right i kept trying to go back in the factory to work and clean up the blood and they had to stop me haha i felt so guilty
after wife found out and had a go they took me to hospital and i threw up in my managers car repeatedly aand its a nice car
CT all good stayed maybe half a day wife rushed back to come get me and watch me over weekend for the whole wake him uup every 2 hours to do checks thing
well i say all good but did break my jaw and like a bunch of bones around my eye and all on side of face,,, main wound was side of temple of head i suppose,,,, its were the cuts were
looked worse than it was and honestley the chronic pain i get with my PA is way way worse on the bad days
anyway like a few days later they made me go to a diffrent hospital for maxio facial thing with the face bones,,,,, they did a bunch of checks and said needed to operate
they checked my eyes because blind risk i think,,,,, i passed that but then like few days before suddenley decided best not to operate although they did feel i still needed it,,,,, confusing but i do already have half a colon a bunch of intestines missing a plated heart duct vavle and im sure a few other things so avoiding an operation is always good,,,,i just have to do these rehab face exersizes that suck and im on soup diet for a week not so bad thety say all will be better and ill be working again no worries in 2 weeks especialy as they arent operating now
well its been 4 weeks now,,,, im still
throwing up daily but not sevre like before i geuss,,,, but resting more so theres that
confused like all the time,,, zoning out not able to follow conversations
my abilty to speak french still okay good besides messing up odd words and phrases i wouldnt normally but to understand it spoken too me ,,,,,its very hard now,,,,infact ive needed family to come with me to appointments just to do conversation for me
getting maybe 4 hours of disturbed sleep a night
cant tollerate lights,,,,, wierdly sun is kinda bareable but if its a white light from cloudy day or a tv screen eughhhh its horrid,,,, the white pages of this website for example
still on mostly soup but some solid too,,,more solid i go worse i feel so ive reverted back to soup
cant read just because things keep blurring up and it gives headaches and dizzyness
my memory was not great before but oh my god now,,,, im forgeting sentences before there finished somtimes ive rewritten this so many times because i keep forgetting were im going to typing etc
get exhausted quickly always accompanied by heavy breathing dizzy just from putting laundry out and occasional chest pain ^i tend to ignore pains as honestly with the chronic thing pain anywhere is just kinda normal now^ good news is i havent used any of the tramadol theyve given me yet except for one day due to this
normally with chronic illness and all my operations diarrhea is a permanent factor of life for me,,,,,but now weird to say but bathroom adventures are ,,,, how normal people must have it i suppose,,,,, this ios however after 4 days of constipation and being given 3 diffrent super strong and suppository stuff to get things going though,,,, i was warned of explosions and just got,,,, oh a normal bowel movement ,,,, new experience for me that and it seems to be staying that way for now,,,, for first time in about 30 years
i cry at random points for no reason,,,,, i wouldnt say im sad or depresssed and i never feel emotional when it happens,,,, ill just be sitting there all spaced out and randomly break down for like 15 seconds then strait back to normal a bit freaked by randomly crying for like no reason
intolerant to some noises,,,, theres like odd tones that i just hear WAY louder than the rest of things and eugh it vibrates in my head
being in trains and cars make all symptoms generally worse
oh and the one i find the FUNNIEST because i never actually thought it was true or happened,,,,, THINKING HURTS,,,, you know like in the old cartoons when they think too hard and it hurts,,,, that happens to me now trying to follow numbers or a story when i get tto confused and i get llike a throb or a stab in the head
i cant submerge the back of my head in water for baths,,,, its bleeding horrible sensation,,,,, which is odd because i hit the side front of my head i dont think back of head dammaged at all but eughh washing hair iis a 10 minnutte build up courage situation
guilt,,,, wierdly,,,,just very guilty for causing all these issues for thhose looking after me,,,, and for work even thoughim sure they could care less,,,, its a people leave every week to 2 weeks kinda job
just generally dumber atm
im sure i forgot a bunch of stuff but anyway,,,,, just had MRI and its all clear no issues,,,,dahm sexy brain infact,,,,so the scan person was like your fine,,,, but im very much NOT fine,,,, pain i can work with i can force myself through it like the chronic illness i got,,,i can manage it and tolerate it,,,, but the diwwyness the confusion,,,, im useless,,,,my loss of language when everyone i work with speaks french.....my memory and stuff never been good but now its 10x worse,,,, i dont feel like im here,,,,and i cant hang out the laundry without feeling like im gonna fall,,,,how am i gonna be making a bunch of food super high speed in a factory and not have another accident,,,,, my GP said needed mri before extends my time off but now thats clean i may have to return even if boss dont want me too if im not in shape,,,,i also worry being judged as lazy handicapped guy as already had soooo much time offf with chronic illness and now this.... with an okay mri,,, dont look good,,,, i just hate being seen as freeloader lazy handicapped guy so i really really push myself at worrk to compensate for being sickk
im currently trying to be symptom active for want of better phrase,,,, so if i feel strong enough to walk dog and not loose grip and fall ^hes tiny dog but im that weak atm^ill walk and once symptoms start getting noticbley worse ^normally within a minute to 10 depending^ ill sit and rest then try again,,,,,normally this will finish being about 2 hours and maybe old me 15 minute walk or normall person 5 minute walk and when im back rest of day in bed with face covered in a dark room trying to sleep but being unable too
GOoD NEWS is i cn pretty much open and close my jaw again now it aint comfy but its possible so wooo
if you read this far you win all the points,,,,,, but anyone going through anything simlar or have any advice itd be appreciated im still shocked no mri issue as all this is so powerful symptom wise