Sorry me again!
I've been banging on for years about how tinted lenses helped me get on the road to recovery. I called them astonishing at the time because when I tried them on it was as if much of the world and my mind returned in an instant.
Over the years I've come across people in real life, four friends with brain injuries (one MS, two PCS and one after brain tumor removal), who were inspired by my experience and after getting tested by an optometrist were prescribed tinted lenses and it worked for them too.
Don't all rush out to the optometrist because others with brain injuries have also been to optometrists, have paid £100's to get tested and the tint's did nothing.
So how do you know if you need them or not without paying hundreds to get the tests?
Today I came across a web page that supplies colored overlays for dyslexia, previously you could only buy them if you were an official tester or supplier.
The principle behind colored overlays for dyslexia is the same as the colorimetry test used by optometrists and very similar to the Meares Irlen's test.
If you had the colored overlays you could test yourself by simply laying a colored sheet on a page of a book or over the screen of your computer and see if it improves your vision. If it does improve your vision then you know it will work for you and you can see an optometrist to get tinted glasses. If it does nothing then you've saved £100's in test fees.
You do need to buy the colored overlays in the first place though.
Here's an official UK educational product supplier that sells the overlays.
As you will see they also supply overlays for your computer screens so you will save a fortune because you won't have to buy any dodgy or expensive software packages.