Having started with a bad cold last week after having a gastroscope, at my local hospital, I didn’t think too much about it at first, eventually went to doctors said it was a virus and chest was clear just drink plenty fluids, then my daughter thought best check covid and it was positive, can’t hear in my left ear, can’t taste anything, and feel bloody awful, forgot how bad it was, had all my jabs except didn’t call for last one, so serves me right. Just hope my hearing and taste come back, it is aggravating all my disabilities, with my balance and everything. To top that my daughter insists on watching the football, all the football, not just England, but hey oh never mind. Come on ENGLAND oh well love you all xx Alice xx
Dreaded Covid: Having started with a bad cold last... - Headway
Dreaded Covid

My next door neighbour recently spent a month in hospital and caught Covid during that time. It had been rife on the wards so routine testing was done, but she had no symptoms whatsoever.
She's been lucky, but people can react very differently to this horrid virus.
And, albeit at a different hospital, I'll be wearing a mask on Thurs when going in for knee surgery !
Hope the nasty symptoms clear soon m'love. Take care.... (maybe headphones with soothing music might help in toning down the footie noise)....
Cat. x 💐
Hi Cat, I don’t normally mind the football, just not tolerating very much at all. Good luck with your op Cat, hope it goes well, I was only in a few hours, I have had it this bad once before but you forget. Love Alice xx
I get it Alice. I too enjoy football, but the sound of commentary and cheering crowds just isn't for poorly folk !
It's scary seeing so many folk becoming infected after time in hospital. It has to be a hygiene issue...
Hope you're resting properly and keeping up with plenty of fluids. Really hope you'll throw off the virus before too long.
Love & big cyber hug, from Cat Xx
A hygiene issue Cat or could just be how transmissible Covid actually is.
How ya doin anyway Cat ???
Life has not been good for me this year, being bipolar since my accident, I've been going up n down like a bloody yo-yo.
However I'm moving to Hereford at the end of the month. Got a lovely flat and it's the place where I grew up. It's been so difficult t make friends cos of the problems I have, as I'm sure you're aware, but I had loads of friends back in the day, so being reacquainted, forming new friendships should be a lot easier.
Anyway, sorry to hijack your post Ali, just haven't been able t come on, so seeing Cats name, just wanted t say hello 🙂
Definitely hygiene Stace ; I could relate numerous examples but wouldn't be all that helpful ...just scary ! My neighbours are both consultants and often remark on the poor standards of cleanliness.
I'm out of action right now with after-effects of meniscus surgery and bad reaction to the anaesthetic ; just a matter of time & patience I guess.
Hereford ? I only know it has some beautiful areas, plus impressive cathedral, and has an SAS base there. Hope it works out for you and you'll reconnect with old friends. ....not a locationist by any chance are you ??😄
Good luck for the move...
Cat x
I hope that you will fully recover soon.
thanks everyone love Alice xx
How're you feeling today Alice... ? Xx
Hi Cat, still feel dreadful, this is taking longer and impacting more than previous episodes, unless just because I’m older and more decrepit, still can’t hear or taste anything, managed to throw together Sunday roast beef dinner, and everything tasted the same, the kids said it was nice lol. It must be more virulent as this is the first time my son as actually caught it, he’s always been very lucky in the past. Thank you for caring Cat, us Mancunian have to look out for each other lol love Alice xx
Sorry to hear that Alice. It's an odd one ; the effects vary so much from one person to another, and it isn't all down to age. My 85 yr old neighbour tested positive and just felt 'tired' for a couple of days, whereas my grandson (aged 15) was unwell for a few weeks.
Keep drinking plenty of water and eat bland stuff such as boiled eggs/mashed potato/porridge... (you must eat). I remember the corrupted taste and smell after my Brain injury ; it's improved now, although red meat still tastes vile !
We really don't need any 'extras' on top of our already overloaded history do we.....
Keep those damned plates spinning m'love. I'll be thinking of you ; it's what 'we Mancunians' do isn't it ?
Love & hugs, Cat. Xx
Thanks Cat, yes used to juggling, do keep trying to eat, but tends to go straight through, but don’t seem to be losing any weight though, that would be one positive side effect, you take care too love Alice xx
Can't believe u of all people would be so blatantly locationist as well Cat ;0)
Not having the last jab Alice makes no difference, it didn't protect people from getting Covid, it supposedly reduced the effects. They didn't actually test for transmission whilst telling people they would kill Granny if they didn't have the jab. But don't get me started 😞 don't agree with th worldwide reaction to Covid (a nasty variation of flu). Or should I say over-reaction. Don't want t go into the problems with the jab cos if u still believe the scientists who claimed the jab would stop u getting Covid (it didn't btw), not listening to the thousands of scientists that said it probably won't, (which as I said, it didn't) it's pointless saying anything, despite all the evidence that proved that the misinformation and disinformation was actually being spread by those who we all trusted.
They claimed if u had the jab, u couldn't pass it on (you can) and it saved u from dying (it didn't - U know everything a vaccine does usually ('n the whole point of having a vaccine), then I can't say anything t change your views .
Some people say the jab is killing more people than Covid itself (but average age 42 instead of 82 like with Covid) just don't want u to beat yourself up that's all.
Sorry, I said don't get me started ;0)
Eh, an don't have a go at your daughter for watching the football - this will be an event in history that we'll look back on with pride. 60 years of hurt an all that. Probably like myself, u remember 30 years of hurt, although if u don't like football, probably not eh ???
Anyway c'mon England !!!
Wahay I’ve tested negative at last, still struggling with the hearing and taste, and stomach, but at least start to feel little better. Unlike the football which was a terrible second half, I know they said it was hot and would have been hard to play in, but come on these are supposed to be the best we’ve got, we’re not going to last long love Alice xx
So good to hear you're on the mend Alice ! I know it's a way to go yet, but signs of improvement (& a negative test) will have come some way to reassuring you of better days around the corner....
Keep up the fluids (and some pampering) 'til you're ready to celebrate complete riddance of that nasty bug !
I had knee surgery yesterday so I'll hopefully soon be celebrating the end of a 15month wait, and of hobbling. Home now, with sore throat, (airway tube) and elephant knee (bandaging) enjoying a proper cuppa ! Have to say staff were truly brilliant.
Don't know what's happened with the footie Alice ; it doesn't sound good ? I'll catch up today.
Be good to yourself m'love... Xx
Are U getting into the football Ali ???