I sustained a concussion playing football 2 1/2 months ago and since then have been experiencing post concussion syndrome.
I have tried to stay positive but it can be so exhausting when everyday feels like it has a set back! I haven’t been able to return to work and I have moved back in with my parents for extra support, so I’m feeling very isolated.
I started seeing a physiotherapist and saw some improvement of my physical symptoms but my mental fatigue & anxiety is debilitating. Even talking is tiring and when I reach my limit it can take days to recover. Recently I had a very scary day where I got so tired I passed out and was in and out of consciousness all the next day. it made me feel like I was right back at the start of my recovery.
As I’m approaching the 3 month mark I’m wondering will things get any better?
I had no other complications to the concussion, although I was not offered an MRI or CT scan.
Any recovery stories or experiences would be appreciated!