I can’t dee how this can be true?
I was told a bit back I had to pay towards my care... - Headway
I was told a bit back I had to pay towards my care. My mother does the hours . She says I’m paying for administration is that true?

What exactly does your mother do? She can apply for carers allowance but this will depend on what she earns. My partner is my carer but is still working, so doesn’t qualify for carers allowance. He supervises all my banking etc. because I no longer trust myself to do it correctly. I don’t pay him for this. I pay into the domestic pot as I have always done.
she does 40 hours a week for me.. takes me to appointments and cleans and other things
Hi, what was your relationship with your mother like prior to your illness? What does she call administration? What did your mother do for you prior to your illness? If she wants to formally charge you, then you should perhaps have a formal arrangement of what she does or is expected to do? Perhaps a hourly rate? It would be fair to pay her for her time, but only what you would expect to pay up to anyone carrying out similar care/support/activities. I'd speak to headway or a social worker to help you formalise the arrangement. It sounds like you might be worried? Talking to an outsider agency may take the pressure off you. A formal pay arrangement does have consequences, and you are potentially becoming her employer, but formalising the arrangement may provide you both with some protection. Good luck.