Well just something that's been on my mind for a few days really...after the terror/shock of sons accident would he die?seems now going into the next"phase" ,which frankly is just as scary..as some of you know physically in just 10 weeks his recovery has been amazing taking into account all infections etc.he listens to his music,gets agitated when they take it away,moving all limbs,a nurse told me he was scratching his ear y/day whilst they were washing him.I'm not sure I believe that they are giving him encouragement/stimulation because he makes noises but has not attempted to speak yet.maybe they not bothering because he is waiting to be transferred to rehab unit?so many things going through my mind.just wish I could know what I'm up against I could handle it.bit of a rant my apologiesxx
Morning all: Well just something that's been on my... - Headway
Morning all

Good rant, never need to apologise.
Unfortunately you are letting yourself worry about the "what's", no one has the answers you would like.
A bit like writing a sentence, you know the beginning, 'once upon a time', a little of the middle, 'someone I love and care for had an accident, and so far despite infections, is doing well, he is waiting to move to a rehab...................' then you hit writers block.
Anyone who gets writers block would say get up and do something different, and the rest of the sentence will eventually reveal itself.
Ok this is a bit simplistic, but enlarge the scale, this is where you are. It is frustrating, especially when the care is in others hand's. But the carer's are professional, and the rehab service, is the right place to gain the best recovery. They aren't as emotionally linked, therefore will push your son further than you would.
All is going to plan, you may not know the rest of the sentence yet, but it will be written. Rant as much as you like, this is a safe place to share your feelings, emotions, frustration, and no one will expect an apology.
Hi D. I think it's standard policy for nursing staff to monitor us and care for our daily needs so we can recover sufficiently for the rehab stage. Rehab is where the work begins and where my family were actually shocked by my progress. When I took my first steps I saw my son was filming me on his phone.
So long as your son is safe and considered a candidate for rehab I wouldn't stress about the present lack of specialist treatment. Hopefully he'll receive speech therapy. physio and later cognitive & occupational therapy ; a long way to go and it'll feel like a lifetime to you I'm sure. Hang in there D ; you boy has done SO well ! Love Cat x
That "waiting for a place in rehab" feeling is awful. You feel like you're in this sort of no man's land and losing precious time. What I didn't fully appreciate, though I knew in theory, was that sometimes just time was enough and that there was stimulation, just not what we would think was simulating. Woken up, breakfast, a wash and tidy. Shattered. A snooze then lunch then some music and a snooze. A Skype call, dinner but of chilling and night time routine. Add into that a sprinkling of doctors and or speech therapists etc and the day is done and probably quite full for someone recovering. I'm learning and trying to understand a bit more. They will be on him like a shot when he gets into rehab. But waiting and not physically being there, if you're not allowed to be there is so so hard.