Does anyone know how to go about getting the details of your hospital procedures? I know nothing about where my aneurysm was, how big it was, how big the unruptured one is etc. I assume they will have records of all this? Thanks
Medical records: Does anyone know how to go about... - Headway
Medical records

Google it, thats what i did, you have to fill a form in detailing which records you require, they will then tell you how much it will cost if you want a hard copy, you can have read only for free. The max charge is £50 and took about 3 months before they finally turned up.
I have dvd copies of my mris in there but all the ward notes were missing i still have to query why so never really got what i wanted, to fill in the time line for me when i was in and coming out of the coma.
First stop is the trust that your hospital belongs too, you should find out how on there.
Good luck
That's interesting Janet because I was discharged with a 5 page record of all medical events & procedures including observations, visits to other departments, MRIs etc......even down to naming the consultant, surgeon and other practitioners.
Maybe that's just the practice at Salford Royal ??
Hope you're doing ok m'love xxx
Im fine thank you Eileen.
Ive always thought Oldham Royal is a bit dodgy and cant understand why all that is missing, they messed me about a bit but im not looking for malpractice, i just want to fill all the gaps ive got.
It just seems strange those notes are missing, i got all the ones from the rehab centre. I must pursue it, next job for me.
How are you by the way? Hopefully ok, Jenny is now on her sixth lot of antibiotics she cant shake off her cough. I think she is going out too soon, as soon as she feels well shes off as fast as her hip can take her, id probably be the same but she needs to allow her body’s immunity to build up, there are too many infections out there to pick up .
Anyway, what do i know!!!
Love Janet xxx
Hi Angela. Call you surgeon's office and ask them for your medical records specifically about your procedures. You can also call the hospital records department and request them.
Hi I obtained my medical records. I was at the hospital with my mother who had appointment, so I went to the main desk to ask how I go about getting the records &they rang up to admin who brought down the form I needed to fill in & return with payment £50 so the records could be released to me, which was sent to my home on CD rom. It took about 2 months but had none of my scans, so I called the administration to be told I hadn't actually requested the MRI scans. They sent out further disc with the scans at no extra cost. If you call the hospital you were in &ask for the form to be sent out to you, when you fill out form it will ask which records you require so please make sure you list the ones you want to see. I requested the neuro Ward & high dependency so thought it would include everything but 933 pages didn't include scans, you must state on form radiology as well. My MRI scans are amazing, you can actually see the coils in the anerysm just behind my right eye, the other 933 pages doesn't make a lot of sense but I needed to fill 2 month gap which I still have no memory of to day, was 2 years ago last week I had my rupture. Going back to your records, It straight forward to get them but as I previously said, make sure you request every department on the form. Hope what I said makes sense
Apply to the hospital you were in, I did this and got a complete phone book size package of my records, much of which was illegible as per doctors prescriptions, any discs have to be paid for though. Give the hospital a call as this can be done via email contact avoiding the need to travel about if that's an issue. Good luck Angela