Kati asked about allotments so here's mine. Today's haul was excellent. Second crop of broad beans. First cauliflower. Lots of courgettes/ marrows. Chives. Rhubarb. Cabbage. Beetroots. Anyone know corgette recipes?
Allotment: Kati asked about allotments so here's... - Headway
Congratulations on your haul :).
Quick question. What do you do to tackle slugs/snails?
I hope you don't use pesticides such as Round Up. The main ingredient in Round Up is dangerous.
Organic gardening is the way forward.
Pair of scissors, chop them in half. It's the only ethical solution for a vegetarian like me.
That is what me and my mum sometimes do although I sometimes impale them with a nearby twig :).
They are attracted to beer as well. Put some beer in a cup, attract the blighters and when you have cauht a bunch of them pour salt on them and watch them fizz up :).
I have some courgette recipes. One is essentially a crustless quiche, an old family favourite. Another is for cake.
My mother told me about an idea she saw on a blog (gotta love this woman - she's 95 years old and reads cooking blogs). Zucchini, as courgette is known in America, is grated to veg up a grilled cheese sandwich. This and other ideas are here: smittenkitchen.com/?s=Zucchini