Hiya everybody iam attending the RVH in Belfast tomorrow for an MRA head scan to determine if either of my two Anyersums have got any bigger I was just wondering had anybody else gone through this and if they had any views on what to expect let's just I am a little bit stressed to say the least
MRA scan : Hiya everybody iam attending the RVH in... - Headway
MRA scan

Personally I have not, but my sister has been attending regularly for scans on her aneurysm, for the last 10 years in fact. Initially she was told her aneurysm was too large and could not be operated on, over 10mm and at a T junction on her carotid artery.
So, very stressful, waiting for the reports afterwards. However she has now had her aneurysm coiled and all is well.
Try not to stress too much, you know it doesn't help. Unfortunately it's not something you can "patch up" that is going to heal on its own, but at least you are having it monitored. Many, many people live normal lives without knowing they have an aneurysm and will eventually die from something totally unconnected.
Take all the advice they have to give you and best wishes.
Love Janetx
Hiya Janet .
Thank you for replying I also have one on a T junction on an artery that has grown and 5he other Subcracnoid Anyersum it's also grown .
I have other major health problems that are stopping me from having surgery I am on kidney Dialysis 4 days a week due too diabetic complications .
To be honest if i was a horse they would have put me out of my misery a long time ago lol .
I'll just pod on and take what comes my way thanks again Janet .
James x
Hi again James,
My sisters other health problems are she has leukaemia and needs a hip replacement.
The aneurysm had to be clipped before either of the other problems could be tackled.
Treatment for the leukaemia starts next Tuesday and we are just hopeful that should she go into remission they will consider a hip replacement.
So, we are very sympathetic and who knows what the future holds, medicine is constantly moving forwards.
Best wishes Janet x
Hi James and welcome.
Did you mean MRI? It's just that I haven't heard of an MRA. Granted my brain injury is different.
Love n hugs xoxo
Hello James. If this is a straightforward MRI/MRA then personally the worst I can say is that it'll be boring. Some people are uncomfortable with the strange sounds of the scanner which can be loud at times, even with the headphones provided.
I've had several and they've lasted around 20-30 mins. I actually moved a little bit to a great rhythmic beat at one point and had to apologise when the 5 minute sequence had to be re-recorded.
The results are forwarded to your GP in 1 to 2 weeks.
Have you not had one before ? x
Hiya cat .
I've had an MRI but an MRA I've been told that they are putting a dye into me what's that all about ???
Sorry for delay James, but as Peaches has explained it's just an injection of dye which is used to give clearer definition on the scan ; nothing at all to worry about.
You've probably had it over & done with by now.
Let us know how you found it though ; it's always helpful to others knowing what to expect. x
Hi James, I always get my mri then they bring me out the machine and inject fluid dye into my arm then put me back into the machine, it's a dawdle, so don't be worrying! Best wishes! xx