Another film...
Text Mania: Another film... - Headway
Text Mania

This one made me smile
Of course teenagers have had (tried to have) their own language to some degree or another for years (there was a weird thing where vowels were replaced with a combination of letters or were they added on after every vowel - I never did quite understand that and it was far too much like hard work...then there was street slang and all the wicked and sick - the using of words to mean the opposite of their actual definition in a descriptive fashion ...again a bit too much for my poor old brain) all that nonsense went on for years and "txt spk" is just another of those fads. They say you can tell the age of a person by the way they compose text messages and I am teased by younger family members for including capitalisation and punctuation in my text messages... I do not care.
As for ROFL...I am afraid I must disagree with you on that one...It was a regular occurrence in our house growing up... then again there were no computers, mobile phones et al to distract our attention from pure innocent fun and we would often ROFL until our sides and our faces ached...
as for the PMSL I have never myself, but have witnessed this Ugh! A bit of a fun killer and not to be advised
I do object to having to tilt my head to the side to try to figure out some random "emoji" but then again I am an old fart so who cares LOL and ROFL but definitely NOT PMSL
You haven't lived until you've spent an evening ROFLing. LOL 😀.
Just teasing you, Andy. I empathise.
I can't believe you've never ROFLed Andy.....................
I did it mostly when I'd had a few brandies and the inevitable nonsense talk was being bandied around by myself and others equally sozzled.
Oh happy days !! xx
I'm clearly in the minority with this one
I can't believe you've been ROFL-deprived all your life. My sympathies.
Stop it!!!
Andy clearly you are in the minority here and need to actually try a quick ROFL...after all you shouldn't knock it until you've tried it
Of course if you want to complain about people texting other people who are sitting in the same room rather than actually speaking to them then I am right there waving my " STOP IT! don't you do that!" banner (ROFL)
Ironically it's got some history, in that it's been used for a good 20 years on mobile phones SMS messages, and a good 10-20 years pre that on stuff like Usenet/IRC and other older internet protocols. And pre that, as in 120 years ago folks where using similar on the telegraph, mostly the operators between them selfs.
I personally don't like text speech, it was handy for older phones but no practical reason for today's smart phones.