Back home. And i am exhausted. I will update tomorrow. But for now, I waNt sleep.
Just Came Back Home: Back home. And i am exhausted... - Headway
Just Came Back Home

Glad you are safe.
Was hoping we'd hear soon, sleep tight xxxxx Janet
Glad your home and I persume well
Good )
Welcome home, glad you're OK.
Good to hear from you. Sleep well xx
Night, night!
Good to see your post Negeen. K
Okay so I want to let everyone in on more detail about what in the world happened between me and my family that caused me to land on the street, but I don't want to sit here and write three pages. So I'll leave it to you guys. Ask and i'll answer. I feel like that is the shortest way to do it. But I will say it has everything to do with my brain damage, the toll it has taken on my family financially, emotionally, and the anxiety and behavior problems it's starting to develop on my side of things.
Sorry for not updating but for a while there I had no access to a computer or a phone. I was on the street for 2 1/2 days. No joke. I took shelter by a hospital district and I would stay there during the night because the hospital lobby was always open no one wondered why I was in the same clothes or anything because it was a hospital and they just assumed I had a loved one in trouble or something or maybe they knew and didn't want to send me on the street cause I look like a little girl. Then for the next 4 days I was at a friend's house named Tim and I stayed with him and his wife, but I knew I couldn't stay for long cause it was only temporary. He ended up dropping me off at a homeless shelter. I had dinner at the shelter, but that shelter and pretty much all the other shelters were full, so they gave me a blanket and I took refuge on their porch. I was too far from the hospital and in a strange city, so I didn't move from their porch. Technically you're not allowed to do that, it's considered loitering. But I guess cause I was a girl and I'm small they felt bad for me and let me sit on their porch. I knew if I were to leave there I would get picked up by a pimp because it was really late at night and I look really young and helpless. So I just sat on their porch I kept calling my brother like 200 times and telling him I was really on the street and need help. Finally, like at 2 am, he showed up and took me to his house. The next day he finally convinced my parents to let me back home. and now I'm home.
I hope that whatever happened to cause this situation is being addressed because this kind of drama is not good for anyone and I am sure none of you want a repeat of that.
Take care
iforget, we're seeing a psychologist tonight.
That is good Negeen ... I really hope that you and your family get the support you need to deal with all that you are going through.
This stuff is so hard to deal with ...for all concerned.
How did the family session with the psychologist go? Hope it was useful and allowed your family to understand more of what someone with a brain injury goes through. How's it all been going since?

They never went with me
What reason did they give for not going with you, if the appointment had been arranged for all of you as you said?
Negeen, I'm VERY happy that you found places to stay and that you're able to talk about what you've endured!
Try to have a balanced diet and, if possible, try meditation if that seems to help; it may take a while, but the effort can be worthy of the time.
Please do all you can to stay safe, as you have done. <3