How to cope with the constant headaches after a TB... - Headway


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How to cope with the constant headaches after a TBI? 2 1/2years on and i'm still stuggling

CherylDuff profile image
6 Replies
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CherylDuff profile image
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6 Replies
sospan profile image

For me I try to avoid too much continuous "screen" time either at a PC or TV. I keep the lights as dim as possible and the key thing is to avoid too much cognitive stress. If I follow this and just potter around the house, I can reduce the effect so that I only take a couple of paracetamol a day

What sort of pain is it?

Have you spoken with your medical professionals? The obvious answer is with medication but there are other techniques, which may help such as relaxation exercises, yoga, massage etc. There is some useful information regarding pain management on the Walton Centre, Liverpool website. I know people who have found cranial osteopathy helpful at reducing the number of headaches. Unfortunately, when you say you have a headache some people don't appreciate what that really means for people with TBI/ABI's, Headway are an excellent source of advice too.

vjones2 profile image

id love to no answer headache lady said oxgenmay help no gantee but pills will not ive love day free

Hugamuff1n profile image

I really suffer from migraines and headaches sometimes along with nosebleeds and I am 4 years down the line from my TBI. I agree with sospan that keeping lights dim help as I find certain lighting especially hospital/work/school lighting triggers a migraine. I am very light sensitive. I find if you are also an anxiety sufferer then that can play a part on headaches and being tired all the time. Try getting into a routine and taking regular breaks - even listening to something called binaural tones can help with migraines and headaches. It's supposed to have an effect on the electricity in your brain and help dampen things down if you also think excessively, and calm your brain. It works quite well for me. You can find binaural tones on youtube. You do need to listen to it with headphones on to get the best effect out of it. It also helps to relax you.

Jembly profile image

I do get a seemingly constant head ache now better days than others.

I know this is a very late reply to your request, had my TBI last centry 1984. Made good recovery. However my family were informed I may suffer years later. I have my ups and downs Thankfully my partner looks out for me.

Here are some ways I manage these headaches to be less;

I wore glasses before my TBI I was fortunate to do some flying so invested in reactor light glasses.

So after my TBI found them useful as the light of day generally was too bright

Drinking plenty of water through the day does help though I know don't drink enough!

I try to go to bed early ish but then do get up early to bake small batch bread rolls cakes etc. Oh and with bedroom window slightly open helps.

work in the day with blinds semi closed in my room.

So all does help a bit though headaches may still linger but not so intence.


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