So last year I had a scan due to my periods not normal . So I have my period for three days then day four it’s not there then day five I bleed light and day six it’s gone my period has stopped.
The scan shows a possible polyp so the gynaecologist wants me too have a hysteroscopy.
I have said no I’m not mentally capable right now due to trauma from procedure and not being able to cope with pain or invasive stuff .
He’s agreed for another scan to check how things are then obviously I know I’ll need it .
I have read and spoke to women about this procedure and I know it’s extremely painful and I know I will need a local anaesthetic. I don’t want a general as I’m scared of not waking up and I’m also being referred to immunologist as I keep getting rashes and reacting to things like medication so the thought of having a general and having a bad reaction is a no for me
I’m scared if I have a local and I’m still able to feel the polyp being removed.
Has anyone been through this please ?
Please I would rather I had honest answers
This has been affecting me since Christmas the whole hysteroscopy thing .
Please note I have no abnormal pain or discharge outside of my cycle .
My periods are on time and not heavy
Thanks so much