Hi guys
I have a whole host of issues but if I just focus on my gynae symptoms I am suffering with some weird stuff this 5/6 weeks
I had bloods done about 10 or 12 weeks ago and my ca125 was 16 which is normal but that was for other issues related to my fibromyalgia and globus problems.. last 5 weeks I have developed like
Nausea in mornings or evenings
Constant bloating
Frequent urination- even during night wakes me up
Hip area constant pain- like I slept on it funny
Leg pains - that come and go
Missed period (3 weeks) def not pregnant (tested)
Lower left ovary / abdo pains
Pain in sides
Twinging pains in lower back
I’m at the point now it’s driving me insane trying to plough through each day especially the hip an leg pains there awful and so frustrating.
I did have a few tests done over 3 months ago again for other reasons I had
Liver function
Kidney function
Complete blood count
All were fine and ca125 was 16, I buried my mum in end of March this year she was 55 she had renal (kidney) cancer that rapidly spread I lost my dad few years ago as well to cancer. I know it’s been a very stressful year for me An my siblings but these abdo pains an nausea An bloating can’t be stress. My gp is horrible makes me feel like I’m annoying him so I stopped going to see him I’m going to change gp tmrw actually but in mean time I’m killed with all these other things going on and was contemplating going to A&E when the left side hip pain and ovary gets strong again as on Sunday I was curled in a ball crying it was on par with labour pains lasted 2 hours then stopped I had no 1 available to take my 19 month old so I couldn’t go to hospital and did call my gp on Monday who shouted at me telling me I should of went to A&E.
I just wanted to know from all you lovely’s who have first hand experience and rely on each other for help what do you make of my symptoms what can I ask my new doc to do? Are my symptoms akin to any things gynae related in lady area I mean lol 😂 I sure would love some advice as I’m so beat an worn out with pain An worrying at this point.
Thankyou so much
Love 💕
Donna x