I have a small one - just been found !
Does anyone else have a post menopaus... - Gynae Cancer Support
Does anyone else have a post menopausal ovarian cyst
Yes I had an ultrasound scan one day and the GP on the phone the next working day, which made me worry. 7cm cyst, CA125 'normal' Helen
Hi Helen
Thank you for your reply. I have been told my cyst is small - they didn't say how many centimetres. I have a follow up scan in 4 months to make sure it hasn't grown.
As far as I am aware they are not a problem as long as they don't burst. I had no symptoms - it was found when they were checking my womb after pmb (which they think may have been linked to menopause/HRT). My womb measurements were normal. They haven't done a CA125 recently but I requested one in February and it was 16 which I understand us normal. Did they remove your cyst? 7cm sounds quite big.
Hope you are well now
Hi, I realise this is an old post. Did you get a follow up scan? I'm 50, no periods for the last 3 years I've been having right sided pain and digestive issues for a few months. I had a scan today which showed a 4cm cyst on my right ovary. I'm not worried (yet!) but I am wondering about the next steps.
Hello and thank you for posting. I haven't had a follow up scan as the consultant wrote to me saying that as my cyst was less than 2 cm he felt it didn't need a follow up. However he did say to get in touch if I develop any lower abdominal pain. Personally I would have preferred a check up scan for peace of mind but I know the consultant knows more than I do! Anyway having read up on it I understand that they can see quite a lot on the scan and that if a cyst is more than 2cm and causing discomfort they are more likely to remove them. I am not a doctor or medically qualified in any way. I can recommend you contacting Tracie Miles at the Eve Appeal as she is a specialist nurse and is better suited to tell you or you could contact your own medical team. It's hard not to let your imagination run wild!! I hope you feel better soon. Happy Christmas! A x

Thanks, I'm not too worried as I'm thinking they can be quite common in menopause. Also I had a large benign ovarian cyst removed when I was 17. I'm almost hoping that it's the reason for my pain as they can remove it. I had a hip replacement 3 months ago and now this! I wish they would invent a pill that would shrivel up the reproductive organs when you hit menopause as they seem to cause lots of problems when they are not needed anymore. I hope you are well x

Hi, sorry to bother you again but how do I contact Tracie Miles? I posted on here but no one has replied, although I appreciate that it's the Christmas holidays, I'm just really tired of the pain and not knowing what's causing it.
Hello again- on the main web page under Ask Eve the telephone number is 0808 802 0019 or you can contact Tracie on the e mail nurse@eveappeal.org.uk and it says you will be responded to within 3 to 5 working days. However I think if you are in pain and worried about the pain you should not wait and should phone 111 or contact your hospital or GP. Please don't apologise for contacting me again - I am happy to help but I am worried about you now - don't suffer in silence. Take care of yourself and I hope you get treatment soon. All the best A x

Thanks, I think the GPs are fed up with me. I seen a general surgeon last Monday and he is arranging a ct scan, the ultrasound was last Wednesday. I just get fed up as nothing helps. I try gaviscon as they thought it might be gastritis, I have buscopan as it might be ibs, but nothing helps. I've been prescribed mirtazapine to increase my appetite, but not tried it yet incase it causes me more pain!
Seriously if I were in your shoes I would call 111 to see if they can help/talk through pain relief - it sounds as though the hospital are doing thorough checks so hopefully you will have some answers soon A x

Thanks, it all seemed to go wrong when I turned 49 over a year ago! Hope you are well, it's good to have someone to talk to x