Hi there,
I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease at the end of May with the following numbers:
T3 30.6 (range 3.5-6.5)
T4 58.8 (range 10.5 - 21)
TSI 14 (range = <0.56)
TSH <0.03 (range 0.35 - 5.5)
And put on 20mg Carbimazole twice a day.
I had bloods done again on the 21st July and the results were:
T3 7.2 (range 3.1 - 6.8)
T4 19.9 (range 12 - 22)
TSH 0.007 (range 0.27 - 4.2)
Dosage decrease to 20mg once a day
The weight is going back on and although my hair is definitely thinner I’m not finding it fall out as much. Can’t say I’ve really ever noticed many symptoms although Endo said I do have TED in right eye but just to keep an eye on it?
Is this good news that my numbers have dropped so quickly? Is there any chance I won’t have to be on the Carbimazole for much longer?
Thanks in advance.