Looking at the Directory there are lots of members, not many posters though?
GFG members: Looking at the Directory... - Gluten Free Guerr...
GFG members
I know I dip in and out a bit. I guess if folks are content and all is good they may be able to put coeliacs on the back burner and get on with life. It's okay to pop in when you need help, something clarified or an answer to a question.
If I see a question or a comment I know I can help with I try to do so.. other times I am so busy, I see a relevant post via my email and think oh I must pop on when I get a chance..
I am a new member, just settling in on the Fibroaction board as well.
Nice to "meet" you
Hi I think people also tend to see if the question they want to ask has already been answered so many people will read before they post and if they get an answer won't then post. Also I agree with weee that when things are going better you tend to have to catch up on life and post less.
Even though I don't always post a question or a blog I do read the posts on the site regularly and find it very helpful. It was particularly helpful to me when I first got diagnosed and I spent a lot of time reading the previous posts. Sometimes when others post a question it is similar to one I want to ask. I find the email alerts helpful too. BTW I think I am going to post a blog soon on FODMAPs!
I think the site is well constructed and it`s very easy to contribute and do so from time to time. (It is far better to navigate than another site I use which is a forum for Lyme sufferers.)
In my opinion an improvement which may encourage more activity, is to have a menu similar to the `popular posts` menu, which highlights main threads of generic discussion. This would enable, at a glance, users to navigate to the various sectors of our current and past discussions if they so dersired. eg Symptoms/Testing/GP issues/Food & Drink/Asymptomatic/FAQs.
Thanks for posting this question as it has been a catalyst for a question I`m about to post!
Hi SilverDreamMachine,
This feature does already exist although it's not as obvious as we would like:
>Click Questions in the main heading bar
> You'll see all the recent questions in the main window
> On the far left hand side you'll also see 'Popular Questions'
Endoscopy....sedation or numbing spray?
By Lenny | 7 Apr 2013 | 42 answers
By sasays | 8 Apr 2013 | 36 answers
How can I tell if corn/maize is affecting me?
By maidforit | 9 Apr 2013 | 24 answers
If its not in the coeliac uk food and drink directory, is it not gluten free?
By Gfmom | 2 Apr 2013 | 24 answers
Glutened!!! How can I lessen the reaction?
By infomaniac | 2 Apr 2013 | 18 answers
> Note: popularity is based on the number of answers so sometimes when someone forgets something they wanted to add they add another comment and this can artificially push some small posts up - but on the whole they are the most popular discussions
Likewise you can simply repeat this to see the most popular posts.
New features we have requested which are being progressed are:
- sticky posts for reference i.e. new research, tips
- ability to 'like' peoples posts as per Facebook
- mandatory profile filling in so that everyone is open and this aids discussion
- compulsory tagging to make searching easier for all
- FAQs
- Common questions file - handy for newbies
Sounds great, I`ll look forward to the improvements.
I check this site almost daily and read all the questions. I'm a five week coeliac and haven't found a site as good as this in Australia. Thanks for being my mentor.