Is there a link with Coeliac disease ... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Is there a link with Coeliac disease and depression? Can a coeliac's mood be affected by consuming gluten?
I'm a coeliac and when I've been glutened I can feel low....didn't consider there was a link with coeliac and mood.
Hi mel, gluten is toxic to coeliac and if it crosses the blood brain barrier it is believed to affect their neurotransmitters:
There's also a recent blog on here by Fiona about depression and coeliac and there are some links on that blog.
Plese see:
Don't know if this is another urban myth- but wasn't there a spate of stories about millers son's/ children ending up in Bedlam? As considered to be insane? Not implying we are all about to head off in that direction.... ; D Guess, the amounts of gluten inhaled & consumed would be much higher than 'normal'. So if Wheat is associated with mood swings. Then a Coeliac miller/family members, would surely more sensitive & more at risk of episodes of low mood/erratic behaviour : (
I have had two occasions when as a result of being "glutened" I had a particularly severe attack of depression. Otherwise, no.
Think some care needed as ongoing depression can result from deficiencies, from the mental impact of the disease or from something completely different and this needs to be treated as a symptom in its own right and you should see a doc.
I have seen a doctor and I never made the connection. It does make sense though.
It's possible there may be a physiological link - however, I think it's hardly surprising someone can feel low when they've consumed gluten because they are unwell.
I always risk a CC attack when I do - my last ones have lasted 12 times a piece - being pretty much housebound for the duration is enough to make anyone depressed