Even gluten free ones?
Anyone else can't eat oats? - Gluten Free Guerr...
Anyone else can't eat oats?

I got some gluten free oats for Juvela and made a lovely big batch of flapjacks with them. Ate a couple and then felt the same way I do when I eat gluten. I also don't seem to tolerate the codex wheat starch either.
Glad to know I am not alone, my doctor said that some people react more or less to types of gluten, I seem to be in the minority who find oat, rye and barley worse than wheat.
Hiya- don't know if I been silly by trying a tip a fellow GF friend passed on. But, fingers crossed I'v not had a reaction (?) So far-touch wood! Had initially withdraw oats too from my diet along with all the other crops that can gluten us. Then with the impaired glucose fasting thing- just wanted another 'healthy carb for me to have available. So altho I tried the GF version without success- or desire to do so. As I thght it tasted a lot like rice pudding- or is that just me? I'v taken a chance & tried 'scotts' porridge oats. Only had a very small amount to start with. Teaspoon or so. But touch wood- I have been able to increase the quantity- whilst not pushing it whr frequency is concerned.
I can't tolerate oats, codex wheat or allowed levels of barley. My understanding of ''pure'' oats is that they are naturally low in avenin's (oat gluten) and that if a coeliac can tolerate codex then they can usually tolerate oats. Also oats were derived by crossing wheat with barley. According to CUK 5% of coeliac can not tolerate ''pure'' oats.
Think another issue is that many oats are milled in factories that mill other flours and cross-contamination is a common feature.
yeah but even specifically "gluten free" oats still affect alot of people (inc me)
i will get back to you as i have recently bought some gf flapjacks to try but have not plucked up the courage yet....i do have the super sensitive label but i think that because i am on some meds for my colitis this may mask any reaction....oh buggar i have just talked myself out of eating my first flapjack for over eleven years...!!!
Can't tolerate codex wheat starch and oats. Hadn't tried GF ones and now wouldn't touch with a barge-pole after the recalls. Last year I accidentally ate one bite of a Honeybuns bar thinking all their stuff was GF (well they'd won GF firm of the year and it was in the GF basket at a cafe) before reading the ingredient list with horror! You needed reading glasses to see the tiny print and I only looked as I wondered how they'd managed to get the oaty texture - doh!
I can't tolerate oats either, it doesn't seem to matter if they are normal oats or gluten free ones. So I have cut them out of my diet and replaced them with home made rice pudding...I have no problem with rice or dairy, thank goodness. Oats are being put into many things now...they are becoming the new wheat!
Thanks for this discussion.
I am terribly upset about this new trend in GF products. Only because I have an eagle eye and have been living with celiac for almost 10 years am I able to spot the ingredient when I browse the supermarket shelves.
Three days ago, however, I had an anaphylaxis response from unknowingly ingesting oats in a desert prepared by my cousin who is gluten intolerant. Her husband, who is a chef, repeated over and over, "we used gluten free oats, so why is there a problem?" Lucky for me, another cousin's husband is an ER doc who recognized the danger and helped get me to hospital for treatment. I had never had such a reaction to gluten or anything else before.