Hi, Can anyone tell me if they have tried Berroca tablets to get the vitamins they are missing, also to help with the fatique?
Many Thanks
Gail xxx
Hi, Can anyone tell me if they have tried Berroca tablets to get the vitamins they are missing, also to help with the fatique?
Many Thanks
Gail xxx
Gail - have a look at the question from Jan44 which is below this:
'Aching joints and tiredness is there a medical reason for this?'
You will see some informative answers there on vitamin deficiencies and how to boost these.
Thanks Irene xx
Sorry, but I am going to open the discussion a bit...
If we are not healed well (not as good with being g/f as should etc....)...does anyone else find that oral medication..doesnt work as well as it should.?
I am told I am being silly...but...I have good reason to think otherwise.
Apricot (in snow boots and fur hat)
Yes Apricot - until the villi are healed any oral vitamins and minerals will be harder for the body to absorb correctly. Which is why many nutritionists recommend not taking many for the first 6mths. However, as an optimist I like to think that when you're severely deficient taking high dose prescribed vitD and B12 is better than nothing.
Hmmm, interesting...
I had low iron levels (5) and was prescribed 3 x tablets a day. My levels did improve, but at one appointment they did comment that it wasn't improving as fast as they would have expected.
I imagine the gut to be like a sort of sieve, when damaged it has big-holed mesh and anything you pour into it goes straight through, then as it heals the mesh gets smaller and smaller and helps catch more! So even if I put three iron tablets in, to begin with they'd not be in the sieve for long.
Thanks Apricot and Spinning Cat,
That certainly is a interesting thought, I had my levels checked a while ago and the doc says they were okay, I can see that theory thought, is is just going straight through us.
I really am stuck with this one, when I got tested for Coeliac I was borderline because I had already cut out wheat, and I just feel that I dont get the help from the doctor I should because of that and I cant go back to having wheat just to have the test again.
Gail xxx
Hi Gail, I'm new on here this is my first posting
But everything u just talked about im going through the very same...
I didnt get a 100% pos on celiac.. I was 1 wk GF already as welI, couldnt take the burning hives all over my body anymore, my stomach feels great now..although im still learning and had somethings that had wheat in it.. Most uncomfy feelin like my stomach is going to blow up, and i get alll blotchy with hives. I taking vitD 1000ui aday...
I find most supplements tend to upset my digestive system or my skin, but have found I can tolerate Spa Tone, which is a liquid iron supplement, so maybe liquid forms are more easily absorbed. That said, only time will tell whether my iron levels are actually improving...!
As I am sure you will have done already, it's also essential to check that any supplements you are taking are gluten-free.
Beyond that, I think it is very much a question of trial and error. If you are really struggling to find a supplement that suits you, I would suggest paring everything back and following a simple, balanced and nutritious diet, with as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible. That would give your body the best chance to heal, and you could always rethink things in the future if need be. You may find supplementation is no longer required.
Good luck with everything, and I do hope you feel better soon.
Hi Mamalulu00,
Do you feel it is helping? It has now been a year for me and although I am coping a lot better with other things, it is driving me crazy.
Gail xxx
It drives me crazy as well not being able to eat reg. foods i've only been GF since Nov. so again i'm learning each day.... I feel great stomach wise, hives are at a min.
But i'm tired, no energy and well moody lol
VitD i feel has helped a bit with mood, after all it is winter and a doc. I wk for always says everybody needs VitD in the winter....
Hi Coeliacvegan,
I do eat a lot of veg but I know I need to increase my fruit levels as they are non existant, I buy fruit every week but personally dont get round to eating it, and dont know what would be the best.
Gail xxx
Reason I ask...first I am also diabetic..and dispite being fanatical about taking the pills when I should...the sugar levels were still all over the place....and I found that I was stir crazy...needing fresh air & sunshine...(given I work too much and walk from house to car to office...so no opportunity for much).
So I knew the VitD levels were down.
Taking the Vit Dpills..didnt do as much as expected, which again makes me think the goodness wasnt being absorbed....Always tired to bones, depression etc and craving food I know I cant have..Fatty food hurts my gut...and I dare not.
So I am thinking that the first foot or so of gut where the villi are damnaged...the goodness in food isnt absorbed...in theory...if I am a good little Apricot, the pills will have better chance of doing job....
Or change the methods...
I had a right paddy to get some Victoza...injectable Diabetes control...and levels are so much better.
I know I am still not right..but do have phases where I am better...but the bad days are still...best avoid me..not suitable company....
Still have the neck swellings to sort, and the enlarged heart. Supposedly the Thyroid is ok....but as I dont have the parathyroids...I am still trying to make a picture out of what is happening... answers on a postcard, with cheques for £50....
Hi Apricot
I believe in your theory about not absorbing things properly when you have coeliac disease. Trouble is that if it takes a long time for the villi to heal we go on and on feeling rubbish and even if we pop the vitamin pills things don't get much better bit like being on a treadmill and never getting off ..... It's annoying that with the NHS cutbacks they no longer check whether our villi have recovered fully doesn't give me much faith in finding the solution to the problem. Perhaps if we pointed out to GPs that we need the villi checked for healing we wouldn't keep visiting them to find out why we felt rubbish and tired the NHS might save itself a few pounds in the long run !!!
HI Apricot, have you tried taking transdermal magnesium along with the vitamin D? Magnesium is a co-factor to Vit D, helping it to work properly in the body at a cellular level, From what I've researched, magnesium absorbs better through the skin. This combination definitely gives me relief along with being GF.
You mentioned neck swellings? Are these on the lower part of your throat? I have hypothyroidism and the thyroid is implicated in neck swellings, metabolism and heart health. Sadly, the UK blood tests are pretty inadequate, especially if your thyroid function is erratic. There's a good yahoo group called Thyroid Patient Advocacy who could help you understand if this is part of the problem,.
Although my blood TSH thyroid levels were "normal" on thyroxine tablets, I had all the symptoms of remaining Hypo (underactive) until I became GF. This convinced me the medication wasn't being absorbed by my body properly due to the inflammation in my intestines. It seems to make sense that it would affect other meds as well as vitamins and mineral absorption! Best wishes.