Also I am trying to lose weight with so don't want lots of things with high levels of fat and sugar.
What do people get on prescription. I... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What do people get on prescription. I cannot tolerate codex wheat or oats so most of the bread appears to be out.

Hi Mia ..... I have no foods on prescription. I tend to eat whole foods such as fresh nuts, Greek yoghurt, organic whole milk, fresh fruit and occasionally Kallo puffed rice for my breakfasts. Small light lunches - I often have something that is made of egg or cream cheese or cheddar cheese, occasionally mozzarella (which is allegedly has the highest calcium content of all cheese - and can be served savory or sweet with fruit). Evening meals of either meat or fish with fresh vegetables. If I get hungry in between meals I either have fresh fruit, dried fruit or a handful of nuts or seeds. I love tea - made with loose tea leaves in a pot and served with full fat milk. I also enjoy an occasional cup of coffee also served with full fat milk.
So nothing on prescription - it was never offered to me when I was diagnosed so I never went down this route. I had not been eating bread for a while as I was avoiding wheat as I thought initially that I was allergic to wheat. So my daily diet had gradually changed over a period of time and the only time I have ever sought out bread since is when we have gone out on day trips and I'm unsure whether there will be anything for me to eat.
Hi Mia, the big prescription co's tend to use the term 'select' to mean codex and they make wheat free breads and wheat free flours.
I'd check out Wellfoods as they do not use codex wheat and all their products are wheat free and gluten free and some are available on prescription, please see:
They also use maltodextrin derived from beet for those of us who are sensitive to wheat derivatives, so I am happy to help raise awareness of their goods and I have no connection with their company except chat to their director who is also a member of GFG and a coeliac.
Advertising is not allowed on forums but recommending a company is, as it's about sharing info. And good luck with your prescription bread and let us know how you get on.
Thanks even though I have been CD for many years this is the first time I have been offered prescriptions, interesting what happens when a new doctor joins a practice. I actually haven't yet found a bread I like in all this time both in terms of taste and in terms of fat and calories. Happy to have a look at Wellfoods as it seems to be an opportunity to turn down.
Glutafin do some products that are codex free and have a lower GI, such as their baguettes and part-baked rolls. This is the only prescription food I tend to get, although I don't eat it regularly.
Genius bread doesn't contain codex, neither does warburtons
In my area our prescriptions were stopped ( thank you government )
so i converted to Genius - light and tasty and makes great wheat codex,
result....happy tummy.
I also get my Genius bread on prescription. I get Glutafin crackers which are very like ordinary ones in taste and in our area we can still get pasta and pizza bases on prescription (and of course being "old" my prescriptions are free!)
Thanks. I will check into it.
Genius has lots of fat and sugar though. I think the brown loaf has treacle in it! I was pretty shocked when I looked at the ingredients and the GI. I had to stop eating it because it's GI was over 90.
Yes I know it has about 10 times more fat and twice the number of calories that ordinary bread. That is why I have given up bread. Is there anything else I can get apart from bread.
You can get (depending where you live) pasta, savoury biscuits, some other biscuits, flour mixes (glutafin do some non-codex, Juvela Harvest mix is non-codex (check this, haven't ordered in ages). The biscuits I've had were horrid, not worth getting. Both company websites have a table of codex/ non-codex/ dairy/ etc.
I get Bi-Alimenta pasta mix box which is 3kg! of pasta with gnocchi in it, mixed shapes and a really nice tiny pasta (like cous-cous shape). That's all corn-based. It lasts ages as I don't eat much pasta.
I'd suggest looking at the Livwell website as well as they do different foods, but I've only managed to order them once or twice (naan, muffins, etc).
Whatever you find, try going to the docs with the PIP-codes as it makes the ordering process easier.
Thanks this is really useful and good tip about the PIP-codes and the flour mixes and the pasta sound useful
really glad you can access what you need using PIP codes with your doc---I tried for 3 months USING the pip code to try to get the new glutafin gluten free biscuits ( they are a bit like rich tea) the surgery and I nearly lost all our hair as they could not "get" it --and I was told that they could not order anything using a PIP code!! eventually I went to the Pharmacist and asked for his help,,he managed to sort it out but OMG what a pain in the neck. ( I wanted them to make Rocky Road with as they are less greasy than all the other biccies out there---but really expensive £4.50 per pack!! which is why I did not want to buy them)
Same problem at my surgery with PIPcode, not pleased when innocently asked about gluten free oats, enough said.