I had two poached eggs with home made gluten free bread at lunch time. I now have what seems to be a huge allergic reaction to them which is similar to what I get with gluten. I know allergic reactions and celiac reaction are different but I feel like I have had an allergic and gluten reaction in one.
I am itching all over, my stomach is upset and I have the runs. I feel as though I am breathing through a thick cloth at the moment and I feel horrible. It started about half an hour after eating the eggs.
My husband pointed out to me that the box of eggs is kept right at the side of shelves of flour in the supermarket here in Greece and wondered if it could be cross contamination from that?. I have true wheat allergy.
I have taken my anti histamines and anti spasmodic meds so any suggestions would be appreciated. I have never had a problem with eggs before but they were recently moved to next to the flour in the supermarket.