Been to gp she has put me on supplements of b12 saying it's not to bad ? Any views ?should I get second opinion she says I have ibs no red flags, pa negative, coleiac negative, thanks guys
B12 of 135 : Been to gp she has put me... - Gluten Free Guerr...
B12 of 135
headaches diarrhoea and cramps suggest sensitivities at the very least- so you should probably do elimination diet to find out which foods your reacting to.
Re your coeliac test if you didn't eat full complement of gluten for 6 wks prior to test result will be invalid anyway.
After the elimination diet you could reintroduce low FODMAP foods - nhs now recommend that for ibs. And if still symptomatic ask for a gastro referral and they will evaluate to rule out any other causes. good luck!
....and you should also get retest for the b12 levels in 4 wks - it may be that with your problems the levels don't come up ' then you'll need b12 injections
Been given 50mcg of cyanocobalamin is this really going to raise my levels ? Thinking of getting second opinion and been given fybogel??
One thing with B12 is that the supplements artificially inflate your B12 results, and that effect sticks around for a few months after you stop taking them. To get your true B12 levels (showing what you've absorbed), you need to stop taking the supplements for a while before being tested.
If you have 1 month of supplements, book your blood test for 2 months from now so you have a 1 month break.
Personally I would want to supplement for longer than a month though. You don't benefit from a B12 level that's only just in range (which is what a month will achieve), you want B12 to be nearer the top end.