Does anyone get anxiety after eating corn or have heard stories of others who have?
Corn and anxiety?: Does anyone get... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Corn and anxiety?
I get really bad anxiety (panic attacks) if I accidently eat anything gluten. This comes before the vomiting and I am unable to control the fight of flight. It is terrifying.
Any amount of gluten gives you a panic attack? Sorry you have to deal with that
I get a delayed response from gluten. I'll be okay the next day then I'll feel terrible and anxiety ridden for like the next 4 days. It started out really bad then slowly improves until it's gone after about 6 days
Many Celiacs do not tolerate corn, or any grain, well at all. Corn is a grain with it's own specific type of gluten that many do fine with, but others not so much. The body can start to recognize it (molecular mimicry) as wheat gluten, as well. Which means that the neurotoxic reaction (anxiety, anger, depression) from eating wheat gluten could be triggered by, theoretically, any protein similar in structure to wheat gluten. With many, I think it comes to the point that the still sensitized immune system is much like exhausted soldiers gone days without rest: everything begins to look like the enemy, unfortunately. For example, my Dermatitis Herpetiformis (wheat gluten rash) can be triggered when I accidentally ingest dairy. But, it's not as severe or long lasting. It seems my system knows that it jumped the gun and backs off with the attack. I tell you, dealing with all of this is quite often akin to walking a mine field, isn't it?
Corn - no. (Although I rarely eat it these days for a different reason).
Dairy products, absolutely yes. Mild depression (and fatigue etc) about 24-48 hours later and lasts around a week. I suspect it’s due to molecular mimicry, with casein being the main suspect.
Each person is different, good luck figuring things out.