Experiencing really bad headaches was just wandering if this can also be a symptom of this condition ???
I am currently awaiting my appointmen... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I am currently awaiting my appointment for a blood test to confirm whether or not I have coeliac's I have all symptoms but am also

Hi Danlukey
Yes - headaches can be a symptom of a gluten sensitivity.
Have you visited coeliac UK's website yet? It has some interesting information if you're new to the subject.
Remember to try and keep gluten in your diet if you can while you are waiting for tests to be carried out.
Good luck!
It could be gluten or may be an intolerance to something else or not related at all.
Hopefully if you are coeliac or gluten intolerant going GF will help those headaches. Unfortunately it didn't help for me but did improve the gastric issues and brain fog, depression etc.
Also, keep on that gluten even once you have the results. Blood tests can prove negative and then they want to give you a gut biopsy .... and you need to be on gluten for that! Once you're off, you may become more gluten sensitive, so you won't want to be going back to it again.
I agree with the others that you must keep eating gluten til you have an endoscopy, as this is the only way to find out if it is positive. My blood test was 99% positive, but endoscopy proved it. Glood luck
Do all of the above and good luck. I am a year on from diagnosis feeling better with gf diet have got hbp and osteoporosis latter because coeliac was not diagnosed sooner .
i get crippling headaches after having marmite now most sad so yes
Hi all thank you all for your replys. Have found all your comments very useful have had blood test done & am now waiting results fingers crossed I get a positive result first time...although reading through others comments I am expecting it to be negative.