Another trabulectomy question! I am 3 weeks post Trabulectomy and I still have an achy eye and it hurts more if I try to focus as in using my phone or computer. Has anyone experience this? Thanks!
Another trabulectomy question! I am 3 weeks post Trabulectomy and I still have an achy eye and it hurts more if I try to focus as in using my phone or computer. Has anyone experience this? Thanks!
Hi Stephanie I've had a trab in both my eyes and I definitely still experienced aching at times 3 weeks post op but I can't remember if trying to focus made it worse. If you are at all concerned give the eye clinic a call and tell them your symptoms.
Hello stephanie1977, please rest your eyes as much as possible. If you are worried about the symptoms please contact to the eye clinic / your consultant for advice. with best wishes.
Hi stephanie1977,
Your vision may still be slightly blurred as you have only had the trab done 3 weeks ago, Trying to focus with blurred vision will strain the eyes and possibly cause headaches. Mobiles and computers have the facility to enlarge the text, and this may help.