The unfair DVLA Treatment of Glaucoma sufferers. - Glaucoma UK

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The unfair DVLA Treatment of Glaucoma sufferers.

Ladyhawkeye profile image
7 Replies

As I’ve suffered from Glaucoma for 30 years the DVLA now want me to take an an eye test at Specsavers! I do not have a local Specsavers so the DVLA have chosen the 4 closest the nearest of which is 7 miles away! I have a brilliant local optician with all of the equipment the hospital has and also regular check ups at the wonderful hospital eye department. Both do field tests and have said I’m fit to drive! I even have a hospital appointment this week!

Despite filling out a very lengthy questionnaire for the DVLA with the name and contact details of my consultant the wonderful DVLA have after waiting over 4 months for a reply from them want me to go to Spec-savers within 28 days or they will revoke my licence. Not very nice to be threatened is it…especially in this world of Covid we are all living through and having held a licence for 40 years!

The next letter is to my local MP as I’m not the only one in this position!

Is it fair that the DVLA sit in a position of power without reproach? My optician or the hospital are not an option because their system doesn’t allow for it!

I believe this situation should be looked at and changed as soon as possible!

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Ladyhawkeye profile image
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7 Replies

I'm in exactly the same position as your self, except I have had a driving licence for more the 70 years. Last month I took the Institute of Advanced Motorists mature drivers assessment, I'm clinging on to my driving licence like grim death. Your battle over the place your field test is to be taken is only the first hurdle you will have to cross. I too was sent 10 miles to a Specsavers, just once I was able to get it done at my brilliant local optician with all of the equipment, but the following year he lost the contract. It's all about money, of course. The likelihood of a local optician outbidding Specsavers is remote and your MP will probably just say that the DVLA are saving us taxpayers money.Your next hurdle will be getting a true and accurate result from wherever the test is done. There are so many variables in the machine used, the condition under which the test is done not to mention the experience of the operator. To honest I'd now be happy to travel 20 miles to a place I knew would do a good job.

mrswaffle profile image

My next DVLA test, which will be my third, will be in twelve months’ time. I live in North Dorset. The first test I did was 25 miles away, but in a place I knew, so I was not too upset. The next one, I was offered branches around 25 miles away, but not in places I was familiar with. (And these were the nearest ones). The two experiences were very different, as the machines were different and the first test was done by an optometrist, the second by a technician. I have been told by a DVLA employee that by next time, it will probably be yet another different branch, as the specifications of the machine will change. I wonder how far they will expect me to drive then? I take Don1931’s point about saving taxpayers’ money, and he’s probably right, as money seems always to be number one priority.

in reply to mrswaffle

An important point to remember is that you can make the renewal application 90 days before the expiry date. Because of the number enquires to carried out it's best to take advantage of that.

I was diagnosed with bilateral glaucoma in March 2021. I suggest you choose your battles carefully & advise that SPECSAVERS have the contract for the time being. We are fortunate that the Esterman binocular VF test is currently available. I have been in contact with fellow - glaucoma colleagues for whom there were no tests available, so their wait for the test was just short of 2 years, in some cases and followed by the DVLA delay. I used my MP to shorten my wait, as DVLA Medical Group were requesting more than one report from Consultant & GP, even though I had 100% pass on 2 occasions after my initial fail, (which resulted in my licence being revoked for 4 months). I was pleased to travel 30 miles to a machine that I felt at ease on and a patient operator. Now I have a 5 year medical licence, I am in a position to make recommendations to the DVLA that greater consistency in how the test is administered is required and that administrators should read from a script, rather than offer their subjective instructions. I still feel aggrieved that I lost my D1 entitlement and I incurred considerable expenses and inconvenience, as my new car depreciated on my drive. Good Luck.

Tshape2022 profile image

I informed the DVLA of my diagnosis...then I unexpectedly had cateract surgery ....they sent me a letter saying I had to have the test within four weeks also ....As I had to get new glasses my present ones not usable after op ....I rang them give me a couple of extra weeks in which I could get new prescription and glasses ....there answer was ..NO...and if I didn't have the test within allotted time ..they would take my license away ...then I could apply to get it back .

Ilovecake- profile image

I reported my glaucoma to the DVLA and got a rather curt letter back telling me to arrange a field test within 2 weeks of the letter My nearest Specs savers that did the test was 18 miles away they couldn’t do it for a month , I explained that my hospital consultant had done the same test and deemed me fit for driving but that wasn’t good enough They then said I had to get an extension on my appointment time as it was out of the two week timeframe ( not my fault as it was first appointment I could be given )I took my test in a very unsatisfactory setting , I was in a small cubby hole just off the main reception area which was so loud and bustling and very distracting.

I first did the test with my glasses on and the lady showed me my chart and where I had missed the lights but they were identical on both sides at the bottom , turned out it was the rim of the glasses , I did it again without glasses and hit them all .

The DVLA sent a letter back within 2 weeks saying unless things deteriorate I do not need to test again till 2027 when my license expires, so that is six years so in the end I was very happy but I do know it can be a rather daunting situation for some people.

Hula48 profile image

Been having this nonsense too... my nearest Specsavers is 40 miles away, technician was on his 1st day at work got no training at all, Fail! Yet I pass no prob at hospital. Letters from my lawyer, MP, specialist etc have, after 6 months, allowed another application. But when did I last see my GP about my eyes? That is on the application form. Small matter of super-shielding for covid, must not cross the doorstep for how long? GP can't take pressures and just prescribe what the specialist tells them. So.... have not seen GP about eyes for years, just ring consultant's secretary if have a problem. So far, 7 months without driving. Distraught. No buses, rural area. Have to ask friends and neighbours for lifts. Was always me taking other people to doctor, hospital, supermarket etc. DVLA say answer within 6 weeks. Maybe... If they say No, what then? Sell up? Just heartbroken about this. I have a perfect record since passing my test in 66, have driven over half a million miles, I am reading the 2nd bottom line on the normal charts, pass no prob at hospital, but at Specsavers, with people tramping in and out beside me as I took the test, talking loudly, it seems I did not.

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