Two months ago I had laser treatment for narrow angle glaucoma. I am a glaucoma suspect and was told at my last appointment all was good and I am no longer high risk despite my pressures still hovering around 20/21. Great news. No appointment for 4 months. I am remaining on Cosopot (preservative free) and Lumigan drops. My left eye has always been a 'lazy ' eye and a bit droopy. However since switching me to the Lumigan drops (about 3 months ago) from Monopost it seems to have got worse and my eyelid is beginning to get sore and itchy. My right eye is fine at the moment. Anyone else experienced this? And advice/treatment would be very welcome. I am inclined to ring the clinic and request going back to Monopost. Thank you.
Sore eyelids: Two months ago I had laser... - Glaucoma UK
Sore eyelids

Hello EthelPledge94. If your eyes are becoming sore and itchy, it could be a side effect from the drop. The best thing to do is to contact the eye secretary and explain the situation. They can relay this to the consultant and get back to you.
Hi EthelPledgeI'm also on Cosopt pf and lumigan. Since starting lumigan 4months ago my eyelids itch in between my eyelashes.
At first it was really bad but they have improved since then.
The other thing I hate is the redness around my eyes.
Hope this helps but do mention it to Drs.
I had that - the consultant said I had blepharitis and advised me to use Blephasol, which I have been doing every day now for about five years. It really helps.
What you describe could be a problem that Lumigan has with some users called PAP (Prostaglandin Associated Periorbitopathy ). It is not rare and seems particularly related to Lumigan ( Copy and paste the link, as I don't know how to do it as a hyperlink on this site.
So far as I know it can be reversed by a change in drops, probably going back to another preservative free Prostaglandin Analogue. I'm sure your GP who is after all your medication provider, would do the prescription change for you as that is what has to happen anyway. And, if you have already been prescribed Monopost he/she would put you back on it. without a problem.
I had a severe allergic reaction to a preservative free prostaglandin drop in 2013 that almost killed me, which brought about me stopping them, and as I could not use a beta blocker drop (in my view the worst eye drop ever), as that had made me lose my hair, gave me cataracts, raynaud's syndrome, and depression, after 14 years of use , I stopped altogether. That is why I am now registered blind, that and the useless bunch of idiots that treated me, or rather DID NOT treat me for two years.
Never take anything for granted in ophthalmology and glaucoma. I am a scientist and the the only trick in the box for treatment Consultants have is to lower IOP, and in general THEY will do anything they think will work, even if it has quite high risks for US and is severely invasive. Whilst I believe that Ocular Hypertension is associated with glaucoma, I am not by any means certain that it is the sole cause. I am far from the only biologist,with this view.
I have had lots of treatments: SLT, bilateral capsulotomies, two cataracts removed (which is why I needed capsulotomies - they cloud up from the rear, sooner or later - Posterior Capsular Opacification), and numerous eye drops, yet after 28 years with Ocular Hypertension I never had Glaucoma until after 2013 when I stopped the drops and had my eyes monitored by an Ophthalmologist every six months for signs of optic nerve deterioration. But, this person was incapable of the task and I only found I had it after I started to become 'night blind', and got a second opinion.
So whatever you do, take nothing for granted: even the competence of those treating you. Know your own condition and research it yourself and if you have doubts, voice them. 'Patients voices must heard, and patients must be believed'.
Hallo blackdog76 I'm sorry to hear that you've been through so much. You're very knowledgeable about your condition and I agree that it's important to do your down research as long as it's through trusted and reliable sources. I also have Age Related Macular Degeneration for which i receive Eylea injections and for me these have worked well. Consequently I check and double check everything I am given with both clinics, Glaucoma and Macular (same hospital). The Lumigan drops are really the only medication I have been given that I question. I will therefore be asking to go back to Monoprost after reading the posts from you and others. Thank you for your reply and good luck.