Scared and Confused: How do I Feel. I’ve just... - Glaucoma UK

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Scared and Confused

51 Replies

How do I Feel. I’ve just received a letter literally this minute from Bournemouth eye hospital to go in on the 27th July at 2.15pm it says for a consultation for possible laser treatment. Slightly confused now thought I was getting laser.. oh nothing is simple. X

51 Replies
Lovemy2woofs profile image

Maybe they have said about laser at last appt, but want to double check in July that's still the case.?

Must say you are getting seen promptly and getting letters etc.... that’s great... still not heard about mine, 5 weeks today I’ve been waiting to hear , so doubt mine is going to be 6 weeks for the laser as would think they give notice .

Dont worry Julie , they are on top of things with you and you’re not like some with delays and cancellations . July is not far away either and you have an appt date , so can discuss your concerns x

in reply toLovemy2woofs

I can't believe you still haven't heard anything yet. It seems a total lottery depending on the area of the country you reside how your treatment is going or not going as the case seems to be. How are you feeling about everything ? I hope your holiday which probably seems like forever ago helped recharge your batteries. X

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to

Hi lovely , It is a lottery , same with Drs round here too .. I’m in Bedfordshire .

I’m ok thank you , at the moment I’ve taken the stance of no point worrying all the time , it’s out of my hands and what will be will be , how long this will last lol

Holiday was nice, though rain did spoil it and not same Re Covid .

However my brother in law had a stroke the day after we came home , so been a worrying time , he’s still in hospital , but they are looking at getting him home soon where he can carry on his rehabilitation .

Easily gets confused and it’s affected his right side for walking and right arm. His speech recovered , though a bit slower .

Suppose to be off to see Mother in law tonight for weekend , not seen her since last Sept , going to bring her Xmas presents !

She’s 84 and lives alone , but not keen on driving up to hers in rain , so might go early tomorrow morning as 2 hour drive and the A1 will have idiots driving up your bumper , so don’t need those in rain .

How are you doing? X

in reply toLovemy2woofs

Oh that's sad about your brother in law, very worrying for all the family. Some people do recover remarkably well from a stroke so hopefully in time he will too. Something like that doesn't just affect the one who's had the stroke but all their nearest and dearest.Unfortunately your appointment is out of your hands but I would have thought you would have been a priority . It's the waiting that actually makes me worry, if I know I'm needing a procedure I just want it over and done with. Worrying constantly obviously isn't great and it doesn't make anything happen any faster but it's difficult not to at times.

I can't believe how bad your weather is down there it's normally us in the north that have the rain. I don't drive but I don't like being a passenger in the rain either. Your mother in law will be happy to see either tonight or tomorrow.

I gave one of my friends her birthday and Xmas presents together a couple of weeks ago . It's certainly been an odd year or so.

I'm meeting my son and his girlfriend tomorrow for lunch so I'm looking forward to that.

I'm fine thanks I don't have another hospital appointment till July so I'm putting it out of my mind until nearer the time.I had the opticians the other day and it went well, no more vision loss or optic nerve damage and pressure not too bad bit higher than consultant wants though.

Enjoy your weekend x

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to

Glad to hear things are going ok , hopefully pressure is just a little blip, they do fluctuate and stress doesn’t help, not easy not to feel stressed at times though is it ? Enjoy your lunch with your son and his girlfriend , and take care x

in reply toLovemy2woofs

Thank you, just running round like mad trying to get organised making sure I have everything my dog needs for our day out 😁🐕. I think I will need trab in left eye too as consultant already spoke about that to me, so that's fine. Pressures only 16/17 but he wants 14!!! Have a lovely weekend x

in reply to

Hi Hidden enjoy your day out. Xx

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Thanks Julie. Lu's bag all packed ha ha worse than having baby. I still have wet hair and no make up on but at least I'm dressed . Getting ferry in an hour 🤣.You enjoy rest of your weekend and happy thoughts only 😘 x

in reply to

Ahh bless Lu I bet she loves it. Have a lovely time. I will have happy thoughts Thankyou. Xx

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to

Thanks x

We are like that, when we visit family for weekend, taking all the dogs stuff , beds, food, treats etc....just about fit it all in , in my small boot, so often stuff goes behind our seats lol.

lThink Milly my cavapoo has urinary incontinence , she's a senior ,12 in Aug , so off to the vets this week to check that out . It’s common when they age .

Monty my cockapoo is 14 on Monday .

Yes , I’ve read from others that consultants often have low pressure targets for eyes , as you would think 16 and 17 would be ok. Suppose some comfort If you can call it that , is you have been told that you might need trab in left eye , so can mentally prepare ( as best you can ) rather than when they drop it on you .

Take care x

in reply toLovemy2woofs

Aww poor Milly, I hope it's maybe just a wee infection that some antibiotics would clear up but if not I know they can get medication to help with their incontinence. Happy Birthday Monty for tomorrow. They really are just like having kids, we are the same we have to take so much with us when going anywhere with Lu. She actually has toys,bed etc at my son's so it's just food and treats when we go there .I don't especially want another trab but it's not the unknown this time and I would rather have that than drops tbh. I have lost vision within the normal range of pressure and my consultant always errs on the side of caution hence the 14.

I hope your two woofs have bought their daddy a present and a card 🐶🐾x

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to

Thank you .Yes can understand not having drops , I’m hoping I get away with laser and nothing else 🤞🏻

Enjoy your Sunday x

in reply toLovemy2woofs

I have my fingers crossed for you too and also that you get your date soon 🤞 x

in reply toLovemy2woofs

Thankyou Lovemy2woofs yes it’s good I’m being seen. It’s not right your having to wait the worry is not good for you. Please get on to them again if you hear no more xx

Jennymary profile image

You thought you were getting laser, your letter says laser treatment which is what you were told............. If in doubt ring the hospital and ask what the appt is for

in reply toJennymary

Thankyou I will

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Hi bless you! I know just how you feel, it’s happened twice to me now, I’ve had to phone each time to find out what is happening. My hospital is brilliant once I get there ! Unfortunately for me, I always get the same letter format whether it be for a routine appointment or eye op, so unless I ring I really don’t know what’s happening. July 21st is my next COVID test pre op on the Friday, however I know I will be going through lots of other tests for the op, so you can imagine how I felt the first time round thinking I would be in and out in 5 mins! Not three hours later. Anyway I’m really grateful when I’m there. So give them a ring just to make sure you know what’s happening. Take care and let’s us know how you get on x

in reply toSunshine88888888

Morning Thankyou for the hat message will be calling them tomorrow. How are things with you. Are you having a nice weekend xx

Sunshine88888888 profile image

Pleased you are calling them! Yes having a brilliant weekend, took my grandsons to Diggerland yesterday and we had a whale of a time! Laughed so much and just completely forgot about eyes, life and any of my other concerns. Laughter is a great tonic! Guess I’m just a big kid at heart 🤣

in reply toSunshine88888888

Ahh bless it’s always lovely to be around family and the laughter they bring. Your right it does make you forget about our eyes xx

Hi Julie did you call the hospital and get any clarification about the letter? Hope you are doing ok?

It's so hot here today but luckily there's also a lovely wee sea breeze . I'm just in from a walk and a sit down on the beach with a tub of ice cream 🍨 x

in reply to

Hi Hidden the receptionist didn’t know but said if I call back tomorrow the secretary will be be back in and can tell me more. Sounds like you’ve had a lovely day. Weather has not been good here rain in the morning and now very windy. Hopefully it will cheer up tomorrow. Thankyou for messaging I’ll let you know how I get on tomorrow. Xx

in reply to

Nothing is ever just straight forward is it ? At least when you phone tomorrow the secretary should be able to tell you exactly what is happening at your appointment. You want to know rather than turn up unprepared .Well we must be swapping weather tomorrow as it's going to be wet here 🌧️😣. X

in reply to

Hidden your right there nothing is straight forward. I think we are swapping weather it’s meant to be nice here. Fingers crossed it’s strange us having such bad weather xx

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Fingers crossed for straightforward tomorrow with the secretary . I'll send you down some sunny weather. Take care x

in reply to

Hi Hidden no joy today on phone call. Ridiculous. Receptionist said Secretary was busy she will leave her a message. How’s you I got some of that sunshine 🌞 you sent down. Thankyou xx

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Too busy to take a phonecall! So you are no further forward, hopefully you hear tomorrow. You must be frustrated. I'm fine, I'm glad the sunshine arrived for you. We've had light showers and no sunshine but still warm.

I had a great walk today to an old wishing tree miles along a nearby beach, you leave it an offering and make your wish. I have made lots of wishes and they have actually all come true as long as they are for others not myself. So I made one for you and everyone else I talk to on here. 🌳. X

in reply to

Hi Hidden I know I couldn’t believe it but I had a busy day afterwards and didn’t dwell. Ooh sounds like a lovely walk and what a lovely thing to do makes wishes for people Thankyou for my wish. Hopefully I will know more tomorrow. E joy your evening. Chat soon xx

in reply to

That's good you were busy and didn't let it get to you. Enjoy your evening too.

I'm now eating Jaffa cakes and tidying up x

in reply to

Ooh I love a Jaffa cake x

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I love half a packet 🤣 x

😂😂 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Hi ladies I see I have missed a few bits of gossip! I took a break from the forum for a few days. I’ve not been having a great few days. Just been feeling really down & convincing myself that the Trab hasn’t worked & I’m gonna go blind & then it spirals & I start thinking of all the things I won’t be able to do. Can’t seem to get out of the loop. Keep having pep talks with myself but it’s not working. I don’t think it’s helping that I’m off work & not really doing a lot because we can’t. Hey-ho. Onwards & upwards. Hope you’re both doing OK.

in reply toWales99

Hello Wales99 so sorry your feeling like this at the moment. We all get like this and we try so hard to be there for one another but I’m like you we just overthink and it spirals your so right. How are you feeling now much better I hope. It’s nice to see you back on here. I don’t know if I said but I’ve been offered laser because my pressures were 25 and 30 so I’m scared now visual field was 100% for the 2nd time sorry if I’ve told you all this. Anyway have you been able to enjoy some sunshine it’s been weird down south one day of sunshine 🌞 loads of rain and now today it’s as dull as dishwater. Xx

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Hi. Yes I’ve tried to keep busy today. I told my husband how I was feeling & he gave me a load of tax stuff to sort out 🙄. Kept my mind off things I suppose 😂. Yes I saw your post about that, I guess you still haven’t got anywhere with the hospital? Honestly they are hopeless. I’m down South too - yes I agree the weather is weird right now but that’s England for you! X

in reply toWales99

Glad you kept busy. The hospital don’t seem to say much. Ridiculous really. Oh I thought you were up north where in the south are you xx

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

No it’s Hidden who is up North 😊. I’m in Kent.

in reply toWales99

Oh ok x

in reply toWales99

Oh Wales I have actually just been thinking about you and I'm sorry that you are feeling rubbish. How are the headaches because I don't think a constant headache helps with how we are feeling emotionally. It's awful when you do get into that low mindset and it is really difficult to get out off. I think actually seeing the consultant on a more regular basis helps and then at least you know you hopefully are making progress, if you don't know you assume the worst.I went to a magic wishing tree yesterday and I made a wish for you so I really hope it does come true, so you have been in my thoughts.

It is difficult keeping busy when you still have to watch what you are doing recovery wise.

I hope you start feeling more yourself soon. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Hey! Sorry, I’ve only just seen this, didn’t get a notification unusually 🙄. I feel a lot better today. I washed my hair (still a challenge😂) and went to the shops, I am a shopaholic so that always cheers me up, although sadly there aren’t many shops left in my town now, another bit of collateral damage from good old Covid! Also it is Friday so it’s wine night so lots of positives. I do think the consultant should be seeing me more often but hey-ho. I see him next Wednesday so hopefully it will be good news. The headaches are a lot better but I don’t want to tempt fate. Thank you so much for making a wish for me, I am a great believer in the power of positive thinking. Hope you’re doing OK. XX

in reply toWales99

I'm glad you are feeling better today maybe the wishing tree started it's magic 🌳. I didn't wash my hair normally for absolutely ages I was so scared I would get shampoo in my eye and cause an infection!!!! ( Not exactly rational thinking)!I'm a shopaholic too and I always loved a bit of retail therapy, nothing better than a mooch round some shops. It's really sad all the shops that have closed since covid.

Definitely fingers crossed for you on Wednesday, it's a long drawn out process when really you just want told it's worked.

Glad the headaches are not so bad hopefully they will just go altogether .

I'm good thanks, we had a take away from the deli for dinner followed by a walk along the beach.

Enjoy your wine. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

😂 yes I’m terrified of getting shampoo in my eye too! If you saw the amount of plastic I tape over it before I wash it it’s ridiculous 🙄. I have been washing it less during lockdown anyway- no point if I’m not going anywhere or seeing anyone. I do miss wearing makeup though- i will be glad when I can do that again. I do envy you being able to walk on the beach - I love the sea. Xx

in reply toWales99

I was just as ridiculous I'm sure,I was more food bag and tape than face !!!! Yes I stopped washing mine everyday too and actually mine was in better condition as I have mad curls and according to my hairdresser I shouldn't wash it everyday anyway.It was lovely being able to wear make up again, although I threw all my old eye make up out as I was scared of getting infection from it too and bought new brushes and make up bag. I now actually wash my make up brushes ( I never bothered before) sanitise my make up bag on a weekly basis and buy miniature benefit mascara now too as I never ever replaced mine as regularly as you should previously. I've gone a bit obsessive now 😱.

Enjoy your weekend x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Ha ha! Yes I’m like that too - plastic bag practically covers my face 😂. I don’t think it does your hair good washing it every day - I always blow dry & straighten mine too which definitely isn’t good! Yes they say to ditch all your old makeup but I don’t want to get rid of the expensive stuff! I will get new mascara- I’m quite good at changing it regularly anyway. I’m going to wash all my brushes & sanitise my makeup bag. I’m quite looking forward to doing all that. How long did you give it b4 you wore makeup again? I’ve been given no guidance or after care info by the hospital 🙄. It’s more the thought of taking eye makeup off & pressing on my eye that fills me with horror, but we want to go & visit my daughter & go out for a meal and I don’t want to do that without makeup. I think Glaucoma UK says 4 weeks but I thought to give it 6. I’m still wearing the shield at night as well. Xx

in reply toWales99

It's good to know it's not just me then. 😁 I'm very low key with my hair it's just wash,curl serum and let it dry naturally. I only threw away eye make up and I did cry as it did cost a fortune so now I just have 1 of everything 😣. I just couldn't justify spending so much to replace it all.

My consultant told me 4 weeks but I waited 6 weeks, as like you I was concerned with taking it off. I actually use Liz Earle eyebright and just gently place a cotton pad on my eye area and it takes it off really well without any rubbing. I don't wear make up on a daily basis as I never wore make up at work but I do love wearing it when going out and I feel naked dressed up with a wee make up free face. A meal with your daughter definitely requires make up.

I'm off to meet my son now and better get some make up on 😉 x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I don’t wear makeup on a daily basis- certainly not anymore! I used to wear it to work when I went into the office. Enjoy seeing your son. I’m envious- haven’t seen my daughter since April although we FaceTime every week. Xx

in reply toWales99

You definitely need to see your daughter soon, face time helps but you really to be able to cuddle them. I've seen my son 2 weeks in a row so it's lovely and he's coming home next week for a holiday, I can't wait. He's nearly 27 and 6ft4 but he's my wee boy and always will be. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Oh yes they will always be our babies. My daughter is 20 & still at Uni. She wants to see out the end of her lease with her friends, plus she has a part-time job in retail but she’s coming home for August. We would have gone to see her before now but what with Covid & then my op. Hopefully we’ll be able to go early July. It’s nice that you’ve seen your son. X

in reply toWales99

It'll be great when she does come home in August and by then your eye will be all healed and back to normal 🤞.My cottage is old with lowish ceilings and my son at least once per visit smacks his head off a door frame 😱 or off the sloping bedroom ceilings, he never learns. X

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

Yes I’m really hoping so. My husband is very tall & refuses to stay anywhere with low beams. No problem for me - I’m only 5” 3 😂.

in reply toWales99

I'm 5'3 too so nothing is ever too low for me either 😉 x

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