Are all brands equal or are some better than others. Have been looking at those that are sprayed on the lids and absorbed rather than a drop as this would be easier for me particularly when at work. Anyone used these or have a recommendation? Thanks
Artificial tears: Are all brands equal or are... - Glaucoma UK
Artificial tears

Hi again, I use Hyloforte drops. I use them regularly when I’m working. They are good. Recently my eyes were very dry so they gave me the Hylonight ointment, it’s obviously a bit messier and it does blur but I used it going to bed and it worked wonders while I slept
Interested in your comments about the Hylonight ointment. When I asked the consultant if he thought it may help my dry eyes he said not unless they were dry during the night, which they are not. Do you find that the ointment enhances the Hyloforte drops during the day? Does the blurring last long ?
I use Hyabax preservative free drops regularly during the day but most days between about 4 pm and 7pm they are especially sore, unless I have been outside a lot.
Hi there, all I know is that my eyes were so dry by the end of the day. I was really struggling a few weeks ago so I got this added on. Obviously an ointment in the eye isn’t the easiest to manage, imagine putting a drop of Vaseline in 😂 but the blurring passes after a short time and I usually use close to bedtime anyway. When I went back to hospital they said the eye was great in terms of the dryness…just need a miracle for the pressures 😩
I also use hyloforte drops, some days more regularly than other days, my mistake when started using them was to keep to 4x a day but consultant told me to use them as needed and on days they do not feel sore still use 4x a day.
My consultant recommends Theoloz Duo but I prefer Celluvisc 0.5% which I buy OTC. It comes in single use sachets so it’s easy to carry about with me.
I must have tried every lubricant under the sun. I've settled on Clinitas Soothe Multi PF. It has 0.4% sodium hylauranate which I believe is the highest permissable and you can usually get it for less than £7 a bottle.
At night I use an ointment (also PF). There's not much between them but Xailin Night is quite cheap.
I also find cold compresses to be far more effective than warm compresses, so that might be something to try.

I will definitely try the cold compress as my eyelid looks a bit red today so that might be soothing too. I am having a problem with the skin flaking on my eyelids too so this may help along with the tear drops. Thanks
I get both of those a lot (redness and flaky skin on lid margins), so definitely worth a try. I have a flaxseed eyebag that I keep in the freezer for when I need it. After a few minutes I can literally feel the fluid start to flow.

That sounds perfect. Are the eye bags something you have made yourself and filled with flaxseed or have you purchased sonewhere?
I purchased it off Amazon. It's the same type designed for hot compresses, but I use them cold.

Great, thanks
Someone on this forum recommended
I found them very helpful and knowledgeable. They were also able to answer some queries I had.
Hope this helps.
I use theoloz duo during daytime. But carbomer eye gel at night and just prior to going out on the bicycle.
All the best

Hi, Eye drops are better than the ones you spray on the eyelids. Make sure you go for the preservative free ones. They work much better. Eating oily fish 2-3 times a week can help. Not everyone likes to eat oily fish so another option is to take an Omega 3 capsule everyday. Make sure you keep well hydrated too. Try to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Teas and coffees don't really count unless they are black. We normally recommend a warm eye mask that you can heat in the microwave. The heat stimulate the oils in the eyes called the Meibomian glands. These glands secrete oil which coats the surface of our eyes and keeps the water component of our tears from evaporating (drying out). Its interesting that you have been recommended to try a cold compress. We can understand how it could soothe the eye but not stimulate the oils.
OK thanks for the all the info and advice regarding the drops etc. As I enjoy salmon with dill, don't mind tuna and can eat mackerel i will try increasing my weekly intake and see how I go. My stomach recently has not been happy with cold water so I have switched to disgusting warm water and fruit teas to see if that helps. I also drink chocolate soya milk as I have milk intolerance and have a couple of ordinary teas too. Trial, error and adaptation - my new journey motto.