Help! Very sore
Anybody know what these spots are? - Aspergillosis and...
Anybody know what these spots are?

They could be ulcers from reactions or infection. It could be a food trigger, chemical trigger, viral (Inhaled) or bacteria, also inhaled, which may be found in water damaged materials, along with mold. Gargle with salty water immediately is what I would do. How long have they been there? Do you have any other symptoms or discomforts?
looks similar to fungi in the beginning stage
It's a common area for strep throat but could be any of the big 3 bacterial, fungal or viral. Swollen red & sore generally mean bacterial especially if neck glands are up/swollen. Try a strong germicidal throat wash from the pharmacy. That will cover all 3 but if it's viral it may return. Strengthen your immune system also B12 with q10 & green tea spray is very good tonic. ebay now bumped the price up so go to Amazon

Looks like infection or injury (eg did you eat food that was too hot recently?) - see your doctor or possibly pharmacist if symptoms persist, there is little that is sure to help that is not prescription medication.