Any help on how to manage their extreme tiredness with ABPA would be appreciated. My legs feel heavy ...I'm exhausted all time and struggling to keep up to date with housework etc after work.
Fatigue: Any help on how to manage... - Aspergillosis and...

Go to doc and see if you have an infection. I find that when I am beginning to have an infection I get so very tired. The best way is to start taking antibiotics as early as possible and then you soon start to feel a bit better. WithABPA don't let the infection get too strong a hold before you do something this about it. Having ABPA means that you must learn to know your body well and sense when an infection is starting. Also I was told to to make sure I always got two weeks antibiotic and not just one week .GP may not know this but check with consultant asap. Try and take a sputm sample to the doc so that the lab can find which bug you may have. ABPA needs a lot of looking after but hopefully the better weather will help. Try and get as much rest as you can when you are feeling tired then that will help body recover. Sit in the sunshine when you can it often help you feel a it better. Good luck . If you live in Scotland let me know.
Hi there
I agree with everything written above. I was only diagnosed with ABPA a ittle over a year ago so am still learning my way around everything, but in that time have had to learn a lot about managing myself & my relationship with the GP surgery. In my case diagnosis came about as a result of a seriously deteriorating chest condition that I thought was a combination of asthma & a bug I couldn't shake off. For ages though I was really dragging myself about & feeling very tired (although as a sufferer of chronic bone-idlenes I wan't entirely sure of the cause!). For a few months post-diagnosis, even after starting to take itraconazole I felt terribly down & that I'd be permanently out of breath, but over time things have improved.
As well as the physical issues though, my personal tip would be remember the psychological side of it as well. It's important to try to keep yourself energised even when you can hardly face it. A light walk & some fresh air can definitely help.
Also, I've just been persuaded by my wife to join a gym, & looking around I noticed that a few of them run exercises for people that have health conditions that make exercise difficult.
Good luck anyway & I hope you feel better soon.

Fatigue is a major issue for aspergillosis patients - partly from the infection but also sometimes from the medication you are taking. It would be best to go and see your doctor to discuss this problem and to try to think of better ways to manage your fatigue - the link below and subsequent pages is helpful in general terms
Specifically with regard to pulmonary infection, there is some suggestion that a carefully designed and supervised pulmonary rehabilitation program is useful
Thank you I have consultant on Friday will see him about exercise class
Hi Ama33,
I recently figured out that I had systemic candida. I now realize that I have had it for over 20 years, but only in the last 10 years did the worst of the things start occurring.
10 years ago is when the fatigue started, it was usually accompanied with headaches, dizziness and nausea. This is when I started seeing doctors and they all insisted I was fine. Someone did correctly figure out that I had adrenal fatigue. However, after awhile my brain started to feel foggy. Over a few years these worsened, eventually I gave up my job and became a stay at home mom. I slept alot and pretty much stopped eating. Over the next year my fatigue turned into more like lethargy and nausea went away, dizziness became rare, and headaches less frequent. One thing I have learned recently it is very common for those with adrenal fatigue to be candida sufferers and vise vesa.
I would recommend taking a look at the lists of symptoms for candida. Some symptom lists are more complete than others, so look at a few. When I first did this I was shock to see other things on these lists that I was experience but didn't pay much mind to previously. If you have other symptoms, then it is very likely that may be your issue. Also, you can have your doctor take a stool sample and test it, and there is also a home test you can do. There is the spit test which costs you no money, or I believe there is home blood tests you can buy online too.
If you do have candida, take it seriously. Mine ended up affecting my brain, and it was very scary watching my memory and train of thought slowly dwindle away while many doctors kept telling me I was fine. Good luck to you. Best regards, Seraphim
Hi I have aspergillus and have fatigue and forgetful also forgetting what I want to say. Does this make sense to you. Please help if you can. Thanking you.
I actually have a lot of reality on what you just said. I just posted a blog that sums up my experience. It is kind of long but if you have the time let me know what you think. I have been so moved by my experience I am trying to bring awareness to something that I don't think is stressed near as much as it should be.
Hi Seraphim. Thankyou for answering. There is alot of what's happening to me in your blog. Is Candida a form of Aspergillus? I take Voriconazle for Aspergillus of the lungs, I'm also bombarded with chest infections. So I take lots of other meds. I would like to ask is my hair thinning alot,could this be the Aspergillus?
I wish I knew the answer for you, but I am not terrible familiar with Aspergillus. I do know that the body can do some amazing healing when provided the proper environment. And you can create an environment in your body that does not allow fungi to flourish. For me and the program that I am applying for myself, this includes a certain diet no sugars, starches breads etc, I use herbs and foods for my antifugals, like raw garlic, ginger, thyme, etc, daily and ensure to eat quality fermented foods daily. That is a really brief summary, but what I am doing is working great for me. Things are clearing up that I had gotten used to and no longer consider it a symptom. Like today I noticed that the lymph nodes around around my neck are not longer hard and bulgy. Every day I am feeling a bit better.
I will do some research though and see if I can get a better answer for you.

It could be a reaction to the anti fungal med I had the same and then persuaded my Doc to change the anti fungal medication and no steroid then hair started to grow again. . Worth a try . Need a consultant to make the decision .
Thankyou so much. Seraphim
When I did research it totally seemed like it is a form of candida. But to be sure I sent a message to a doctor who has specialized in candida overgrowth for 30 years and I have been talking to lately. He said this:
"you are correct - aspergillus is related to yeasts and as such needs the same treatment as Candida - diet, lifestyle and some supplements will help to eradicate it. There are more than 400 yeasts that can affect humans would you believe!"
Yeast can be very hard to get rid of, and it takes time and dedication. But when you feel your health make a turn for the better it is pretty amazing.
I am losing my hair, which has always been fine. I'm wondering if voiconazole or Azithromycin is to blame. Hair loss is really getting me down
Ask to see if you can get a different anti fungal medication .