Hello I’ve got glandular fever at present and I’ve read differences of opinion of it. Please could anyone give me a personal experience of having glandular fever and how long you had it and if you ever really get better. I’ve been ill for a few weeks now and already have medical issues just want to know the truth not medical jumbo.thank you
Glandular fever: Hello I’ve got... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Glandular fever
I had glandular fever at 18. I was never really well.again afterwards but I believe the virus kick started another illness.
I was finally diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis aged 44. I tested positive for a defective gene that is apparent in about 95% of people with AS and there is a theory that the Epstein Barr virus can cause the defective gene to "go rogue". I certainly feel that was the case with me.
My glandular fever was an extremely bad case - I was given steroids to help me recover. My sister also had glandular fever and she made a full recovery, so I guess I just had bad luck. I don't know if she had the same gene as me but I do know my other sister doesn't as she's been tested.
My advice would be: don't try to speed up your recovery. It takes time to get better and it's very gradual
Cont! Accidentally pressed post, silly phone messing about!
Plenty of rest will eventually improve your symptoms. I went back to my all day Saturday job after 6 weeks and managed 2 hours before my legs literally gave way underneath me! Best to build back up slowly: pacing yourself is the key.
Hope you feel better soon x
Thank you for your post
You will get better by the end of the summer. Try and build up the distance you can walk slowly. You must do something or you will lose muscle tone. I had this in 1980s my parents didn't understand and made me do things. I got better quite quickly.
I had it when I was 16, I was sleeping for at least 16 hours a day. I had it quite severely. Now I’m 18 I’m being investigated for ME (so I never really got better) which can be triggered by severe viral infections. I don’t know how common that is though. Honestly don’t be surprised if it takes 6 months, and don’t, don’t push yourself too hard because then you’re more likely to permanently damage yourself and develop worse symptoms (like ME 😂). This is the case where ‘pushing through it’ absolutely does not work. After absolutely terrifying you I’m sure, a majority of people get better with no problems it just takes a while and the good news is that it’s a virus so you shouldn’t ever get it again x