Numbness,no tight grip left side,pins... - Functional Neurol...
Numbness,no tight grip left side,pins and needles,heavyness,trance like states.
My left side is effected, arm and leg weakness, tight grip either. Just feel out of it at times, brain fog, fatigue. Sometimes start the day feeling better and then it hits you.
I have righthandside weakness, tingling feeling/numbness in my right arm and certain points on my rightleg and around my righteye which always feels heavy. My grip is not always good but changes from day to day, sometimes with pain, cramp. I love the word Brainfog, because its the only way to explain how it feels in my head sometimes, and when I've got brainfog its difficult to concentrate or hear what people are saying to me. I have been on mindfulness course which helps me to except how my body feels and to get through the day, when i'm stressed its a good way to take five minutes and focus on my breathing and let my thoughts wonder and just acknowledge them without them stressing me!
Good advise, I have been trying to except/figure out what my body is doing now and how it feels on a daily basis. We have to find our own ways of dealing with it. I have been asking the "professionals" for advise, coping strategies but not getting any direct answers. Since symptoms mimic so many things but the real diagnoses isn't justified. For one should I stay off the road because anything could happen? Do I push thru this and try to get back to life? How do I cope with work..etc. etc. We have to listen to our own bodies and symptoms and do what we think is best for us, find our own resources.
I have Trier Evers thing pros Rolf me try as they no real got answers i have brain f
og i GTS Evers Day to be positive even when brain screaming pain no want u i just want u Know i been this was Three years and i try Do what normal people Do i have Bad some improvement but it long road just think positive